Marshall County Map, Iowa

Airports in Marshall County Airport Name Leise Airport Marshalltown Municipal Airport Mmsc Heliport Whites Airport More maps of Marshall County Marshall County Map, South Dakota Marshall County Map, Alabama Marshall…

Airports in Marshall County

Airport Name
Leise Airport
Marshalltown Municipal Airport
Mmsc Heliport
Whites Airport

More maps of Marshall County

Cities in Marshall County

City Population Latitude Longitude
Albion city 505 42.112526 -92.988741
Clemons city 148 42.113898 -93.158508
Ferguson city 126 41.93858 -92.863031
Gilman city 509 41.878809 -92.78814
Green Mountain 126 42.101917 -92.819626
Haverhill city 173 41.944121 -92.96074
Laurel city 239 41.884062 -92.922164
Le Grand city 938 42.006693 -92.774982
Liscomb city 301 42.191029 -93.006172
Marshalltown city 27552 42.034102 -92.906695
Melbourne city 830 41.941548 -93.102616
Rhodes city 305 41.927826 -93.183691
St. Anthony city 102 42.123908 -93.197776
State Center city 1468 42.014901 -93.165259


Golf Courses in Marshall County

Name of Golf Course Latitude Longitude
American Legion Golf Course-Marshalltown 42.03302 -92.922461
Collison Par3 Golf Course-Marshalltown 42.097774 -92.884272
Elmwood Country Club-Marshalltown 42.026587 -92.934986
Lincoln Valley Golf Course-State Center 42.014649 -93.125262
The Harvester-Rhodes 41.8717 -93.212389

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