Palma Soriano lies in the province of Santiago de Cuba. This tourist destination in Cuba is situated in the Cauto river valley and is the processing center for coffee and sugarcane. Connectivity to Palma Soriano is highly developed because it is also a rail and road hub, which serves the commercial purposes of the City.
Nearby large cities : Santiago de Cuba , Holquin, Puerto Principe, Carrefour, Port-an-Principe
Time Zone: Eastern standard time
Currency: Cuban Peso
Language: Spanish
Population: 120800
Province: Santiago de Cuba
Latitude: 20.21722
Places to visit in Palma Soriano
Frequent ecological tours are conducted in Sierra Maestra Natural park, Siboney- justice ecological preserve, Bocanao Preserve, and the Gran Piedra mountain which is a protected natural sanctuary. Rich in flora and fauna, these places would inform you of the diversity in the animal and plant kingdom in Cuba, especially Palma Soriano.
Historical Monuments in Palma Soriano
Some of the most revered historical monuments in the province of Santiago de Cuba are Comandancia del II Frente Oriental, Museo ‘ la Isabelica’, Basilica del Cobre, Museo EL canon,El Uvero and Museo Historico del Palma Soriano .
Beaches in Palma Soriano
Bocana, Sigua, Daiquiri, and Bucanero are some of the nearest beaches where tourists can go for scuba diving and other water sports.
Take a dip into the color, the festivals, and the heritage of Palma Soriano and bring color to your life.