The population is distributed unevenly, with some countries having significantly larger populations than others. Here are the top ten most populated countries as per 2022:
S. No. | Country Name | Population(2022) | About Population |
1 | China | 1,425,887,337 | China is the world’s most populated country. It has a diverse population with Han Chinese being the largest ethnic group, followed by ethnic minorities such as Tibetans, Mongols, and Uighurs. |
2 | India | 1,417,173,173 | India is the world’s second-most populated country. It is home to a diverse population, with the majority being Hindus, followed by Muslims, Christians, and Sikhs. |
3 | United States | 338,289,857 | The US has a population of over 332 million people, making it the world’s third-most populated country. It has a diverse population, with a significant number of immigrants from various countries around the world. |
4 | Indonesia | 275,501,339 | Indonesia has a population of over 276 million people, making it the world’s fourth-most populated country. It is home to various ethnic groups, with the largest being Javanese, followed by Sundanese and Malays. |
5 | Pakistan | 235,824,862 | Pakistan has a population of over 225 million people, making it the world’s fifth-most populated country. It has a predominantly Muslim population, with Punjabis being the largest ethnic group, followed by Pashtuns and Sindhis. |
6 | Nigeria | 218,541,212 | Nigeria has a population of over 214 million people, making it the world’s sixth-most populated country. It has a diverse population, with over 250 ethnic groups, the largest of which are the Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo. |
7 | Brazil | 215,313,498 | Brazil has a population of over 212 million people, making it the world’s seventh-most populated country. It has a diverse population, with the majority being of European, African, or Indigenous descent. |
8 | Bangladesh | 171,186,372 | Bangladesh has a population of over 166 million people, making it the world’s eighth-most populated country. It has a predominantly Muslim population and is home to various ethnic groups, with the largest being Bengalis. |
9 | Russia | 144,713,314 | Russia has a population of over 146 million people, making it the world’s ninth-most populated country. It has a diverse population, with Russians being the largest ethnic group, followed by Tatars and Ukrainians. |
10 | Mexico | 127,504,125 | Mexico has a population of over 129 million people, making it the world’s tenth-most populated country. It has a predominantly Hispanic population, with various Indigenous groups also present. |
Related Links
- World Population Density Map
- World Urban Population Map
- World Rural Population Map
- Countries With More than 100 Million Population
- World Population Growth Rate