Vice Presidents of the US

Vice Presidents of the US

by usavishul

US Vice Presidents have a significant role to play in the functioning of national political affairs. To produce better results, the US Vice-President mostly works together with the President of United States.

The post of American Vice-President has considerable importance in the political realm. Till date, the American Federation had 48th Vice Presidents, among whom only 14 went on to become presidents. There are high chances for all US Vice Presidents to become the President of the country. In fact, they are the most potential candidates contesting for the position of President in America.

Most Vice Presidents of the US were popular Senators in their times, who continued to serve the country even after completion of their Vice Presidential tenures. Owing to the extensive experiences they gather, they are considered as some of the most veteran leaders on the American mainland, even advising and guiding the President on sensitive national and international issues.


Vice-President Term

The Vice-President of the United States is elected for a period of four years. Just like the President, the Vice-President can hold office for a maximum of two terms. The United States has had three consecutive vice presidents to be elected to two terms. These include – Al Gore (1992, 1996), Dick Cheney (2000, 2004), and Joe Biden (2008, 2012). The first two consecutive vie presidents to serve two full terms include Al Gore (1993–2001) and Dick Cheney (2001–2009).


Election of the Vice President

  • The Vice-President of the United States is elected by the Electoral College.
  • During conventions, which are held after the completion of the primaries and caucuses, the political parties select a nominee to unite behind. During this time, a running mate is announced by the Presidential nominee.
  • On Election Day, which is held in November, people vote for the electors, who, in turn, elect the President and the Vice-President of the country.
  • The President and the Vice-President are elected by the Electoral College and to win the election, a candidate must win a majority of the electoral votes.
  • The elector’s meeting is held on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December after the presidential election.
  • The electors cast their vote for both the President and the vice president on separate ballots in their respective states.
  • In case no candidate is able to secure the majority, the House of Representatives will choose the President and the Senate will choose the Vice-President.


Who is the Vice President of the United States?

Mike Pence, the 48th Vice President of the United States. He previously served as the 50th Governor of Indiana state from 2013 to 2017.


List of Vice Presidents in the USA

VP Term Image Vice President Name Vice-Presidential Period Political Party State of Birth
48th Mike Pence 2017 – Incumbent Republican Indiana
47th Joseph Biden 2009–2017 Democratic Pennsylvania
46th Dick Cheney 2001–2009 Republican Nebraska
45th Al Gore 1993–2001 Democratic Washington, D.C.
44th Dan Quayle 1989–1993 Republican Indiana
43rd George Bush 1981–1989 Republican Massachusetts
42nd Walter Mondale 1977–1981 Democratic Minnesota
41st Nelson Rockefeller 1974–1977 Republican Maine
40th Gerald Ford 1973–1974 Republican Nebraska
39th Spiro Agnew 1969–1973 Republican Maryland
38th Hubert Humphrey 1965–1969 Democratic South Dakota
37th Lyndon B Johnson 1961–1963 Democratic Texas
36th Richard Nixon 1953-1961 Republican California
35th Alben Barkley 1949–1953 Democratic Kentucky
34th Harry S Truman 1945 Democratic Missouri
33rd Henry A Wallace 1941–1945 Democratic Iowa
32nd John Nance Garner 1933–1941 Democratic Texas
31st Charles Curtis 1929–1933 Republican Kansas
30th Charles Dawes 1925–1929 Republican Ohio
29th Calvin Coolidge 1921–1923 Republican Vermont
28th Thomas R Marshall 1913–1921 Democratic Indiana
27th James S Sherman 1909–1912 Republican New York
26th Charles Fairbanks 1905–1909 Republican Ohio
25th Theodore Roosevelt 1901 Republican New York
25th Mckinley William 1897–1901 Republican Ohio
24th Garret Hobart 1897–1899 Republican New Jersey
23rd Adlai E Stevenson 1893–1897 Democratic Kentucky
22nd Levi P Morton 1889–1893 Republican Vermont
21st Thomas Hendricks 1885 Democratic Ohio
20th Chester Arthur 1881 Republican Vermont
19th William Wheeler 1877–1881 Republican New York
18th Henry Wilson 1873–1875 Republican New Hampshire
17th Schuyler Colfax 1869–1873 Republican New York
16th Andrew Johnson 1865 Democratic North Carolina
15th Hannibal Hamlin 1861–1865 Republican Maine
14th John C Breckinridge 1857–1861 Democratic Kentucky
13th William King 1853 Democratic North Carolina
12th Millard Fillmore 1849–1850 Whig New York
11th George M Dallas 1845–1849 Democratic Pennsylvania
10th John Tyler 1841 Whig Virginia
9th Richard M Johnson 1837–1841 Democratic Kentucky
8th Martin Van Buren 1833–1837 Democratic New York
7th John C Calhoun 1825–1832 Democratic-Republican South Carolina
6th Daniel D Tompkins 1817–1825 Democratic-Republican New York
5th Elbridge Gerry 1813–1814 Democratic-Republican Massachusetts
4th George Clinton 1805–1812 Democratic-Republican New York
3rd Aaron Burr 1801–1805 Democratic-Republican New Jersey
2nd Thomas Jefferson 1797–1801 Democratic-Republican Virginia
1st John Adams 1789–1797 Federalist Massachusetts

Vice President Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt (1901) was the 25th Vice President of the United States of America. After the death of his predecessor Garret Hobart in 1899, the position of US Vice Presidency was left blank for nearly two years.

It was on 4th March, 1901 that the Republican candidate Theodore Roosevelt took charge of the US Vice […]

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Vice President Thomas Hendricks

Thomas Hendricks was elected as the Vice President of the United States of America in the year of 1884 on the Democratic ticket with US President Grover Cleveland. Thomas Hendricks initiated with his service as the 21st US Vice President from 4th March in 1885.

Thomas Hendricks (1885) continued with his responsibility till his death on […]

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Vice President Thomas Jefferson

As one of the renowned political personalities in United States of America, Thomas Jefferson was a man of sound temperament and intellect. Both as the second Vice President and the third President of the Unites States of America, he was the ideal successor to his predecessor John Adams.

Born to Peter and Jane Randolph […]

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Vice President Thomas R. Marshall

Thomas R. Marshall was born on 14th March, 1854. He was indeed one of the renowned political figures of the United States. Thomas R. Marshall had been the member of the Democratic Party and Governor of Indiana from 1909 to 1913.

From 1913-1921 this great personality held the office of vice-president. He had been the 28th vice-president […]

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Vice President Walter Mondale

Walter Mondale was the 42nd Vice President of the United States of America. He was the Vice President to the American President Jimmy Carter.

Walter Mondale also served the country as the Senator of Minnesota. He was the member of the American political party the Democratic Farmer Labor Party of America. He was also a candidate […]

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Vice President William King

The full name of William King was William Rufus de Vane King. William King became the Vice President of United States of America in 1853.At that time Franklin Pierce was the President of USA.

William King became the 13th Vice President of USA. As a Vice President he served the nation from 4th March, 1853 to 18th […]

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Vice President William Wheeler

William Wheeler was the nineteenth Vice President of the United States of America. William Wheeler was born in Malone, New York and was educated at the Franklin Academy and the University of Vermont.

Admitted in the bar in the year 1845, William Wheeler practiced law in his home town, Malone. William Wheeler had served a number of offices before being elected as a […]

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Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson

Lyndon B. Johnson is the 37th Vice President of the United Sates of America. He had a long and successful career in the U.S Congress. He was the representative of the Democratic Party of the United States.

During his reign as the Vice President of the United States of America, he worked […]

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Vice President Martin Van Buren

Martin Van Buren nicknamed as Old Kinder hook was born on December 5, 1782 and was the eighth President of the United States from 1837 to 1841.

Before becoming the President Martin Van Buren served as the eighth Vice President from 1833 to1837. He was also the 10th Secretary of State under the supervision Andrew Jackson. Martin Van Buren was one of the founders of […]

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Vice President William McKinley

The 25th President of the United States of America is William McKinley. He was also the leader of the Republican Party of the United States. William McKinley had to face defeat because of his McKinley tariff Act of 1890.

Again, in the year 1891, 1893 McKinley was reelected as the governor of Ohio. Mark Hanna […]

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