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Slovakia Population

by Vishal Kumar

The population of Slovakia which is an east European country mostly comprises of the Slovak people. Apart from the Slovaks there are also significant amount of Hungarians and Czechs in Slovakia. The total area…

The population of Slovakia which is an east European country mostly comprises of the Slovak people. Apart from the Slovaks there are also significant amount of Hungarians and Czechs in Slovakia.

The total area of Slovakia is 49,035

square kilometers and the population density of the country is 110 people per square kilometer.

The specifications of the population of Slovakia are:

  • Percentage of ethnic groups – Slovak (85.8%), Romanians (1.7%) and Hungarian (9.7%)
  • Total Population of Slovakia- 5 379 455
  • Religions of Slovakia are- Roman Catholicism, Reform Christianity, Evangelicalism and Greek Catholicism.
  • Annual average growth of population of Slovakia is 0.08%
  • The percentage of population over the age of 65 are 11.5%
  • The percentage of women population is 51.4%
  • The fertility rate in Slovakia is 1.25%

The total population of the capital of Slovakia Bratislava is 428 672. Among the total population of Slovakia Czech and Romanian communities are the minority group. The communist influence on the country is the reason why a significant part of the population is atheists or non believer of any religion. Though the official language of the country is Slovak, Russian and German languages are also very common with the people of this country. The Slovakia population comprises of significant amount the youths and almost 19% of the total population is under 15 years of age. The population density of Slovakia could be witnessed mostly in the river valleys. The urban dwellers in this country are more than the rural ones and its growth rate is around 5%.

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