Thematic Map of Russia
Choose one of the map from our collection of Russia thematic maps which can be used for educational, business and travel purposes.
Choose one of the map from our collection of Russia thematic maps which can be used for educational, business and travel purposes.
Russia’s Climate Map represents different climates in different regions. There is a wide range of temperatures and relatively low precipitation.
Russia Coal Reserves Map represents the location of large hard coal reserves and brown coal reserves in Russia.
Russia is a country that includes 185 ethnic groups approx designated as nationalities, the ethnic Russians dominate the population of Russia.
The map shows the Freshwater Ecoregions in the Russia, major ecoregions include Lena, Kolyma, kk; and more.
Russia’s Major Mountain Peaks Map shows all the major mountains of Russia. The map indicates the location, name, and height of the major mountains.
Russia Marine Ecoregion Map shows the Marine Ecoregion of Russia including the Kara Sea( named after the Kara river), the Black sea, and more.
Russia Natural Gas Pipelines Map depicts the paths of major natural gas producing regions and pipelines in Russia.
Russia Oil Producing Regions Map highlights the important oil refinery, major oil pipelines, and oil manufacturing areas in Russia. Check the surrounding oceans, International boundaries of Russia.
Russia’s Population Density Map shows where the heavy centers of population are located. The use of colors represents areas with the heaviest population.
The map shows the terrestrial ecoregions of Russia, a map of terrestrial biodiversity that gives detail to be useful in global and regional conservation.