Actions Pre-Cyclone
- Prune large bushes and extended tree branches.
- One should evacuate to closest high ground, in case of flash flood/windstorm.
- For local urgent facilities, one should always keep a list of emergency phone numbers.
- Identify a secure place within your residence or home.
- Prepare a kit for a situation of crisis to include: First Aid Kit; Mobile (completely charged) with universal mobile charger; Fresh Drinking Water (Bottled or in a Container); Canned/Dried Non Perishable Food Items; Battery Powered Torch (Flashlight) with extra batteries; Battery Powered Portable Radio with extra batteries.
- Stay updated about the evolving circumstances by remaining tuned into your local radio station or television station.
- Pull down shutters and close windows or plastic sheeting on windows around your house.
- Ensure that surroundings of your house are not littered and there is no heap of rubbish, loose debris and items like tables/ lawn chairs, etc. that can become airborne and result in damage/injury.
Measures Taken In Case of Evacuation
- Dress in suitable clothes.
- Bolt doors, switch off main electrical power, water, and gas supplies and carry emergency kits.
- Take into consideration the directives of District Administration/Emergency Services and shift to high ground.
Actions During Cyclone
- Stay within doors and away from windows.
- Turn off gas and electrical supply.
- Stay updated and listen to battery powered radio.
- If your home starts falling to pieces, protect yourself under blankets, carpets, mattresses, or under a table that is strong enough to shield.
- In case wind level drops, don’t presume that cyclone is over and stay alert as you may be in the “Eye of the Cyclone.”
- Wait for the formal declaration of “all clear” from District Administration/Emergency Services.
Actions Post-Cyclone
- Don’t leave your home until officially announced. Listen to radio for regular updates.
- Ensure there is no water/gas leaks.
- If you are wet and if your home is inundated, do not touch any electrical appliances.
- If you vacated your place of residence earlier, do not return until informed by District Administration/Emergency Services.
- Be careful of broken power lines, buildings, bridges, trees, and do not enter flood waters.