Base Mapping
Preparation of a Base Map which shows the details of topography, geology, politics and other cadastral information is called Base Mapping . Base Mapping is the creation of most perfect spatial database in the system of data given.
Steps of Base Mapping :
Use of Base Mapping :
- Used for reference by the students or researchers for their projects or during their training. The map is true to scale, so it is often attached with their research works or term papers.
- Base Mapping is used for political purposes. Since the map contains all the basic data and is properly labelled it is used by political leaders during voting campaigns or for implementation of any rule in a particular area.
- Base Mapping has an important use in constructional works. The engineers, planners use the Base Map to know about the site before doing any constructional activity.
- Tourists use Base Map to know the area they are travelling. So Base Mapping is also used in tourism.
Besides, Base Mapping has a number of uses which is not possible to list out. Base Mapping is becoming popular day by day and use of Base Mapping is expected to increase in coming years.