Aerial Kite Photography is a special type of Aerial Photography where photograph of the earth surface is taken from a camera suspended from a kite.A remote device is required to control the camera.…
Aerial photograph y is the art of taking photograph of any feature, landscapes or phenomenon on the earth surface for the purpose of building maps with the help of a camera…
The archeology remote sensing have helped to locate and provide information about archeology sites. History is all about human reaction with the environment. The human impacts can be traced out through archeology remote…
When photograph of an area, or any particular feature or landscape is taken from a camera mounted on a balloon it is called Balloon Aerial Photography . The camera can be directly…
Preparation of a Base Map which shows the details of topography, geology, politics and other cadastral information is called Base Mapping . Base Mapping is the creation of most perfect spatial database in the system…
Cadastral Mapping is the preparation of a Cadastre Map which shows the details of boundaries, extent of lands or plots and the details of ownerships. Cadastral Mapping is done mainly for administrative purposes by department…
Aerial Photography is the art of taking photograph of the earth surface from a camera mounted on aircraft. If the camera used is a digital camera, then it is called Digital…
Orthophotography removes the distortions in the aerial photographs which occurs due to relief displacement, atmospheric refraction and lens displacement. When the photo is produced in digital format it is called Digital Orthophotography . Orthophotography was…
Remote Sensing is applied to various aspects of environment from atmosphere to biosphere to hydrosphere to lithosphere . The environment remote sensing consists application of Remote Sensing in all these spheres of environment . The spheres where environment remote…
The term Geospatial is an amalgamation of two different words, ‘Geo’ and ‘Spatial’. This term describes the collaboration of the spatial software and analytical methods with geographical database. This term is often…