Jiangsu Province Map

Jiangsu is a place on the eastern coast of China . It is situated along Yellow Sea and has a coast line of more than a thousand kilometers. To the north of Jiangsu border lies the Shadong, Shanghai and Zhejiang lies to the south of Jiangsu and to the west of Jiangsu lies the Anhui . In the southern part of Jiangsu one finds the Yangtze river , the longest river of china which moves from north to south and moves further to meet the East China Sea . There are some big lakes of China ,present in the Jiangsu Province, to name some of them , Lake Taihu , the largest lake and other being lake yangcheng, luoma.
In early days Jiangsu had been the home to Huai Yi , which is an ethnic group in China. In the year 960 to 1279 during the reign of Song Dynasty , Jiangsu came to the fore front as the center of trade, with the development of mercantile and market economy.
Jiangsu is a plain area with most of the area lying at a height of not more than 50 meters above the sea level. The place called Mont Yuntai is the highest point having an altitude of approx. 625 meters. This irrigation network has helped in developing a good agricultural economy. The famous Grand Canal of China lies here in Jiangsu and runs all the way from north to south passing through the river system from east to west.
Jiangsu falls under the subtropical humid climate and warm temperate and humid climactic zones. During winter the temperature falls down to -2 to 4o C. the temperature during summer goes upto 26 to 30 o C. Rainfall occurs mainly during the summer season .
Jiangsu’s population mainly consists of Han Chinese . It has a population of 74.058 million as estimated in the year 2003. Jiangsu is considered as the most luxurious and richest part of China.