Australia National Parks

The Australian Wildlife Conservancy recognizes over twenty-two wildlife sanctuaries. These aim to protect a diversity of ecosystems including tropical savannah, rainforests, open woodlands, semi-arid grasslands and mangrove lined lagoons. Besides the flora of the nation, the AWC gives shelter and protects more than eighty-three of bird species in Australia.
The Australian Wildlife Conservancy Sanctuaries Map shows the location of the major wildlife sanctuaries in Australia. They are:
- Faure Island Sanctuary
- Kalamurina Wildlife Sanctuary
- Karakamia Sanctuary
- Marion Downs Sanctuary
- Mornington Sanctuary
- Mt. Gibson Sanctuary
- Mt. Zero Taravale Sanctuary
- Newhaven Sanctuary
- Paruna Sanctuary
- Piccaninny Plains Sanctuary
- Pungalina Sanctuary
- Scotia Sanctuary
- Yookamurra Sanctuary
- Wongalara Sanctuary
- Pungalina Seven Emu Sanctuary
These sanctuaries are all administered by the Australian Wildlife Conservancy and are established for the conservation of threatened wildlife and ecosystems.
Karakamia Sanctuary has a substantial area to include a diverse species of animals and plants such as the forest sub-species of the Red-tailed Black-cockatoo, Brushtail Possums and Western Brush Wallabies.
Scotia Sanctuary was established to reintroduce species of extinct mammals. The native animals are regularly monitored to ensure their populations are healthy and growing. The sanctuary is believed to be supporting 225 species of native wildlife that include mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians.