The Utah Golf Courses Map identifies the 129 golf grounds of the state. The State of Utah has several golf courses. Some of the renowned golfing destinations of Utah are Logan, Salt Lake City, Midway, Murray, Ogden, Tooele, Layton, Saint George, Sandy and Park City. Glenwild Golf Club and Spa, Park Meadows Country Club, Promontory Club and Jeremy Golf and Country Club are some of the prominent golf courses of Park City. Layton has several famous golf grounds. Some of the golf courses of Layton are Soldier Hollow Golf Course, Homestead Golf Club and Resort, Park Meadows Country Club, Promontory Club and Cascade Golf Center. Park City Golf Course, Tuhaye, Glenwild Golf Club and Spa and Wasatch Mt. State Park Golf Course are few of the prominent golf grounds of Midway. The Utah State Map pinpoints several well known golf courses of the state. Some of the prominent golf courses of Utah are:
The several golf courses of Utah highlight the importance of the sport in the state.