Vice President Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt (1901) was the 25th Vice President of the United States of America. After the death of his predecessor Garret Hobart in 1899, the position of US Vice Presidency was left blank for nearly two years.

It was on 4th March, 1901 that the Republican candidate Theodore Roosevelt took charge of the US Vice [...]

Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt (1901) was the 25th Vice President of the United States of America. After the death of his predecessor Garret Hobart in 1899, the position of US Vice Presidency was left blank for nearly two years.

It was on 4th March, 1901 that the Republican candidate Theodore Roosevelt took charge of the US Vice Presidency. He carried on with his duty till 14th September, 1901. The short span of the US Vice Presidency by Theodore Roosevelt was not very eventful. On 14th September, 1901 he took on the charge of the US Presidency. Following the assassination of his former President, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt became the US President at the age of 42.

Theodore Roosevelt was born in the year of 1858. He was also known as T.R. and the public often called him as Teddy. He was not solely a leader of the Republican Party but also he led the Progressive Movement. Before he took on the charge of US Vice Presidency, he was the Governor of New York. Theodore Roosevelt is remembered not only as a politician but also as a historian, explorer, soldier, naturalist and historian. He was a famous explorer of the Amazon Basin. He was also famous for his ‘cowboy’ personality.

Theodore Roosevelt was the Assistant Secretary of the US Navy. He commanded his army in the War with Spain in 1898. After the completion of the war, he returned to New York with the honor of a war hero. This image helped him to be elected as the Republican Governor of New York in 1899. When he was a Governor or the Vice President he tried to wipe out corruption. He had distrust against the wealthy businessmen though he had no disagreement with the capitalism.

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