Vice President John. C. Breckinridge

The full name of John C. Breckinridge was John Cabell Breckinridge. By profession John C. Breckinridge was a lawyer. Later on he came to be known as the United States 14th President.

He served his nation from 4th March 1857 to 4th March 1861. John C. Breckinridge belonged to the Democratic Party. At an early age of 36 John Cabell Breckinridge became [...]

John C. Breckinridge

The full name of John C. Breckinridge was John Cabell Breckinridge. By profession John C. Breckinridge was a lawyer. Later on he came to be known as the United States 14th President.

He served his nation from 4th March 1857 to 4th March 1861. John C. Breckinridge belonged to the Democratic Party. At an early age of 36 John Cabell Breckinridge became the Vice President of USA.

In the American Civil War he became the Confederate officer from 1861-1865. Joseph Cabell Breckinridge and Mary Clay Smith was John C. Breckinridge’s parents. John C. Breckinridge was born on 21st January, 1821 in Lexington, Kentucky. In the year 1849, John C. Breckinridge became the member of Kentucky House of Representatives.

John C. Breckinridge was the grandson of John Breckinridge, an US Senator and Attorney General. John C. Breckinridge completed his graduation from Centre College. In Transylvania University he completed his law studies. In Lexington he started his practice in law. In 1843 he married Mary Cyrene Burch. In the American-Mexican War of 1847 and 1848 he became the major of the third Kentucky volunteers. He was even nominated by Franklin Pierce, an US President as a Minister to Spain.

James Buchanan was the President of USA, when John was the Vice President. In the 32nd and 33rd US Congress John C. Breckinridge was elected as Democratic candidate. From 4th March, 1861 to 4th December John C. Breckinridge served the nation as US Senate. He was succeeded by Hannibal Hamlin. James Seddon preceded him as the Confederate State Secretary of War. John C. Breckinridge became the fifth Confederate States secretary of War who held the office from 6th February 1865 to 10th May, 1865.

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