29th President of the US – Warren Harding

Brief Biography of Warren Harding :

Warren Harding was the twenty ninth President of United States of America. On 2nd November 1865, Warren Harding was born in Corsica, Ohio. Harding was the eldest child of his parents.

Warren Gamaliel Bancroft Winnipeg was the birth name Warren Harding. He preceded Woodrow Wilson as the President [...]

Brief Biography of Warren Harding :

Warren Harding was the twenty ninth President of United States of America. On 2nd November 1865, Warren Harding was born in Corsica, Ohio. Harding was the eldest child of his parents.

Warren Gamaliel Bancroft Winnipeg was the birth name Warren Harding. He preceded Woodrow Wilson as the President of the United States of America. Later Calvin Coolidge succeeded him as the President.

Warren Harding held the office of US Senator from 4th January, 1915 to 4th March 1921. Warren Harding belonged to the Republican Party in America. Napoleon and Alexander Hamilton were the heroes of Warren Harding. Before being the President of the United States of America, Warren Harding was a newspaper publisher. He also served as a lieutenant governor from 1903-1905.

Some of the major events that took place during Harding’s tenure as the President of United States are as follows:

  1. Bureau of Veteran Affairs was accomplished by him
  2. 1921 Budget and Accounting Act
  3. Teapot Dome Scandal
  4. 1921 Revenue Act
  5. 1921-1922 Washington Naval Conference
  6. With Austria, Germany and Hungary the peace treaties were signed
  7. In a case of taking bribes Attorney General was made to resign
  8. In Alaska the National Petroleum Reserve was founded
  9. 1922 Fordney- Mc Cumber Tariff

In 1921, William Howard Taft was made the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of America by Warren Harding. the Cabinet of Warren Harding included:

  1. James J. Davis as Secretary of Labor
  2. Charles Evans Hughes as Secretary of State
  3. Edwin Denby as Secretary of Navy
  4. Henry C. Wallace as Secretary of Agriculture

Warren Harding is one of the most popular Presidents of United States of America.

Facts about Warren Harding

Full Name: Warren Gamaliel Harding
Date of Birth: November 2, 1865, Blooming Grove, Ohio
Died on: August 2, 1923, San Francisco, California
Burial site: Marion Cemetery, re-interred in Harding Memorial Tomb, Marion, Ohio
Parents: George Tryon and Phoebe Elizabeth Dickerson Harding
Spouse: Florence Mabel Kling (1860-1924; m. 1891)
Children: None legitimate; one or two rumored illegitimate
Religion: Baptist
Education: Attended Iberia College (later Ohio Central College)
Profession(s): Teacher; insurance salesman; editor; publisher
Government ranks: Ohio state senator and lieutenant governor; U.S. Senator from Ohio
Political party: Republican
President Term: March 4, 1921-August 2, 1923
Age when assumed office: 55

Presidential Term and its details

Dates: March 4, 1921-August 2, 1923
Vice President: Calvin Coolidge (1921-23)

Snapshot of Warren Harding’s life

1865 Born in Ohio
1884 Buys the Marion Star newspaper with the help of two partners
1891 Marries Florence Kling
1889-1903 Serves in the Ohio State Senate
1904-6 Serves as lieutenant governor of Ohio
1912 Makes speech for the renomination of President William Howard Taft at the 1912 Republican Party convention
1915-21 Serves in U.S. Senate
1921-23 Serves as twenty-ninth U.S. President
1923 Dies in California

Outcome of the Elections

1920 Presidential / Vice Presidential Candidates Popular votes Electoral votes
Warren G. Harding / Calvin Coolidge (Republican) 16152200 404
James M. Cox / Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democratic) 9147353 127

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