26th President of the US – Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th President of the United States. President Roosevelt attended office from 1901 to 1909. His tenure is marked by the construction of the Panama Canal in 1904. President Theodore Roosevelt was the first United States President to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906.

Early Life

Theodore Roosevelt [...]

Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th President of the United States. President Roosevelt attended office from 1901 to 1909. His tenure is marked by the construction of the Panama Canal in 1904. President Theodore Roosevelt was the first United States President to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906.

Early Life

Theodore Roosevelt was born on 27th October, 1858 in New York city. His father, Theodore Roosevelt, Sr. was a wealthy businessman trading in plate-glass and hardware. Theodore was a sickly child and underwent home schooling in place of attending a regular primary and secondary learning institution. the offshoot of home schooling was his lifelong interest in zoology.Theodore Roosevelt matriculated from Harvard College in 1876. He enrolled at Columbia Law School in 1880. Roosevelt left midway from the course in 1881. Theodore Roosevelt chose to contest the elections for New York Assemblyman the same year. He ran as a Republican Party candidate and became a New York state legislator.

Civil Service

Theodore Roosevelt was appointed President of the New York City Police Commissioners in 1895. His tenure in the New York police department was marked by widespread work reforms. Roosevelt also pioneered the induction of ethnic minorities and women into the police payroll.

Rough Riders

Theodore Roosevelt became the Assistant Secretary of the Navy in 1897. the appointment was approved by the incumbent US President, William McKinley. Roosevelt is credited with the victory of the United States over Spain in the Spanish-American War of 1898. He also participated in the war as a prominent member of the First U.S Volunteer Cavalry Regiment. the regiment is famous in American history by its nickname- ‘Rough Riders’.

Vice President

Theodore Roosevelt became governor of New York in 1898. He was elected on a Republican Party ticket. He became the US vice president under President William McKinley on 4th March, 1901. Roosevelt was to continue his position until 14th September, 1901.

President of the United States

Theodore Roosevelt became the 26th United States President after the assassination of William McKinley on 6th September, 1901. He formally ascended the presidential post on the 14th of September, 1901. He continued his presidency after a convincing win in the 1904 US election.


President Theodore Roosevelt’s term is marked by widespread and progressive reforms of the United States economy. Roosevelt implemented a 9 hour workday for miners. He also helped to pass the Hepburn Act in 1906. the Hepburn Act curtailed the abnormal and illegal use of railway transport passes. the Pure Food and Drug Act also came into application the same year.


Full Name: Theodore Roosevelt
Date of Birth: October 27, 1858, New York, New York
Died on: January 6, 1919, Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York
Burial site: Young’s Memorial Cemetery, Oyster Bay, New York
Parents: Theodore and Martha Bulloch Roosevelt
Spouse: Alice Hathaway Lee (1861-1884; m. 1880); Edith Kermit Carow (1861-948; m. 1886)
Children: Alice Lee (1884-1980); Theodore Jr. (1887-1944); Kermit (1889-1943); Ethel Carow (1891-1977); Archibald Bulloch (1894-1979); Quentin (1897-1918)
Religion: Dutch Reformed
Education: Harvard University (B.A., 1880)
Profession(s): Rancher; soldier; author
Government ranks: New York state assemblyman; New York City police commissioner; New York governor; assistant U.S. Secretary of the navy and vice president under William McKinely
Political party: Republican
President Term: September 14, 1901-March 4, 1905 (first term); March 4, 1905-March 4, 1909 (second term)
Age when assumed office: 42

Presidential Term and its details

Dates: September 14, 1901-March 4, 1905 (first term); March 4, 1905-March 4, 1909 (second term)
Vice President: None (1901-5)
Charles W. Fairbanks (1905-9)

Snapshot of Theodore Roosevelt’s life

1858 Born in New York
1877 The Summer Birds of the Adirondacks in Franklin county, New York, the first of over thirty books written by Roosevelt, The History of the Naval War of 1812, is published in 1882
1882-84 Serves as New York state assemblyman
1884-86 Builds and lives on Elkhorn Ranch in the Dakota Territory
1889-95 Serves on U.S. Civil Service Commission
1895-97 Serves as a police commissioner of New York City
1897-98 Serves as assistant secretary of the navy
1898 Volunteers for service during the Spanish-American War; as a lieutenant colonel in the First U.S. Volunteer Cavalry, he forms a squadron called the “Rough Riders,” whose exploits are well publicized by newspapers
1899-1900 Serves as New York governor
1901 Serves as vice president under William McKinley; assumes the presidency following McKinely’s assassination
1901-09 Serves as twenty-sixth U.S. President
1909-10 Leads an African safari, collects more than five hundred different birds and animals, and writes African Game Trails; tours Europe
1912 Finishes second in the presidential election (to Woodrow Wilson) as a third-party candidate, outpolling incumbent president William Howard Taft
1919 Dies in New York

Outcome of the Elections

1904 Presidential / Vice Presidential Candidates Popular votes Electoral votes
Theodore Roosevelt / Charles W. Fairbanks (Republican) 7623486 336
Alton B. Parker / Henry G. Davis (Democratic) 5077911 140


President Theodore Roosevelt was a major champion of ecological conservation. the first American National Bird Preserve was founded by Roosevelt during his tenure. the Badlands National Park was also set up by him. The Antiquities Act of 1906 enabled successive US Presidents to nominate national monuments with presidential proclamation.

Panama Canal

President Roosevelt is known in history as the person who made possible the construction of the Panama Canal. The Panama Canal connected the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans the canal shortened the total distance by a staggering 8,000 miles. Construction of the canal began in 1904. The Panama Canal became operational from 1914.

Nobel Peace Prize

President Theodore Roosevelt catalyzed a satisfactory ending to the Russo Japanese War of 1904-1905. He was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in 1906 for his efforts. He also sent the US army to restore law and order in Philippines in 1902. President Roosevelt also sent the United States navy to circumnavigate the world in 1907. This flotilla of ships is known in history as the Great White Fleet.


President Roosevelt was the first US premier to invite an African American, Booker T. Washington as a White House guest in 1901. He is also the first American president to ride an aircraft and military submarine. Theodore Roosevelt is the first United States President well-versed in judo combat techniques.

Last Days

Theodore Roosevelt’s term as United States President ended on 4th March, 1909. He undertook an expedition through dense Brazilian forests in from 1913 to 1914. The experiences of this expedition is excellently documented through his book ‘Through the Brazilian Wilderness’. The trip was part sponsored by the American Museum of National History.

Theodore Roosevelt died due to heart problems on 6th January, 1919. He is buried in Youngs Memorial Cemetery at Oyster Bay, New York. His sculpted image is found on Mount Rushmore.

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