33rd President of the US – Harry Truman

Harry Truman born on May 8, 1884 was the thirty-third President of the United States from1945-1953 and as Vice President ascended the office upon the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt.

In home affairs, Truman faced too many challenges related to the economy marked by severe shortages and many strikes. the Taft-Hartley Act over his veto [...]

Harry Truman born on May 8, 1884 was the thirty-third President of the United States from1945-1953 and as Vice President ascended the office upon the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt.

In home affairs, Truman faced too many challenges related to the economy marked by severe shortages and many strikes. the Taft-Hartley Act over his veto was the greatest challenge among all. After overcoming all predictions to be the winner of 1948 he was still unable to pass his Fair Deal program. He used official executive orders to begin the integration of the U.S. armed forces. He also introduced orders to launch a system of loyalty reviews to abolish thousands of Communist members from government office.

He strongly disapproved compulsory loyalty oaths for governmental employees. This led to accusations that his administration was biased towards Communism. Truman’s presidential rule also was eventful in the section of foreign affairs. the events started with victory over Germany and then the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, following with the surrender of Japan and the end of World War II.

The establishment of the United Nations, the Marshall Plan to reconstruct Europe, the Truman Doctrine to preach Communism, the start of the Cold War, the founding of NATO, and the Korean War all took place under Harry Truman’s era.

Truman‘s administration contained impurities that reached the cabinet and senior authorities. In spite of this Truman’s name appeared on the election nominees list a second time in 1952, in the New Hampshire Primary. Truman did not campaign and thus lost to his rival Senator Estes Kefauver. After retiring, Truman wrote his past Memoirs of presidential era.

Harry Truman was an informal, unassuming president. His popular phrases were “the buck stops here” and “If you can’t stand the heat, you better get out of the kitchen. “At one point his public view evaluations were the lowest on record; surprisingly today the US scholars rank him among the top ten Presidents of US. Harry Truman’s death on December 26, 1972 was quite mournful for the US citizens.


Full Name: Harry S. Truman
Date of Birth: May 8, 1884, Lamar, Missouri
Died on: December 26, 1972, Kansas City, Missouri
Burial site: Courtyard of the Truman Presidential Library, Independence, Missouri
Parents: John Anderson and Martha Ellen Young Truman
Spouse: Elizabeth “Bess” Virginia Wallace (1885-1982; m. 1919)
Children: Mary Margaret (1924-2008)
Religion: Baptist
Education: Attended Kansas City School of Law
Profession(s): Clerk; salesman, farmer; soldier
Government ranks: Jackson County, Missouri, judge; U.S. Senator from Missouri
Political party: Democratic
President Term: April 12, 1945-January 20, 1949 (first term); January 20, 1949-January20, 1953 (second term)
Age when assumed office: 60

Outcome of the Elections

1948 Presidential / Vice Presidential Candidates Popular votes Electoral votes
Harry S. Truman / Alben W. Barkley (Democratic) 24105695 303
Thomas E. Dewey / Earl Warren (Republican) 21969170 189
J. Strom Thurmond / Fielding L. Wright (States’ Rights Democratic) 1169021 39

Snapshot of Harry Truman’s life

1884 Born in Missouri
1906-16 Works on family farm in Grandview, Missouri
1918 Leads army units with distinction in France and Italy during World War I
1919-22 Works at a men’s clothing store in Independence, Missouri
1923-33 Serves as judge in Jackson County Court, Missouri
1934-45 Serves as U.S. Senator from Missouri
1939-45 World War II
1945 Serves as vice president under Franklin D. Roosevelt; assumes the office of president after Roosevelt dies; World War II ends
1945-53 Serves as thirty-third U.S. President
1950-54 Korean War
1953 Retires to Independence, Missouri
1972 Dies in Missouri

Presidential Term and its details

Dates: April 12, 1945-January 20, 1949 (first term)
January 20, 1949-January 20, 1953 (second term)
Vice President: None (1945-49)
Alben W. Barkely (1949-53)


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