Slovakia Geography
The geographic coordinates of Slovakia are 48o40′ North latitude and 19o20’east longitude. The geography of Slovakia gives detailed information about the location, area, climate and landscape of the country. The capital of Slovakia is Bratislava and its official language is Slovak. Uniqueness of the Slovakia geography is that it has no coastline as this country is landlocked. The terrain of Slovakia is mostly mountainous and rugged however the southern part of the country is mostly lowlands. The total area of Slovakia is 49,030 square kilometers of which almost 45% is forest. As the country is landlocked the climate is mostly continental with summer temperature varying from 16 to 26 degree centigrade and winter temperatures varying from -3 to 2 degree centigrade. The countries which border Slovakia are Austria, Poland, Hungary, Ukraine and Czech Republic. The current industrial development has imposed significant damages on the environment of the country due to pollution.