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Serra-Da-Estrela Region

by Vishal Kumar

A Portuguese subregion, Serra da Estrela is particularly known for The Natural Park which contains some of the highest Portuguese mountain ranges. Besides, the cheese of Serra da Estrela is also quite famous.

Serra da Estrela is a sub region of Portugal. Serra da Estrela in Portugal has three main municipalities. These municipalities include Seia, Gouveia and Fornos de Algodres.

Serra da Estrela is a ridge composed of granite, that acts as the main watershed of the country.

Serra da Estrela has earned a reputation as the star mountains, that segregate the northern part of the country from the south.

Attractions in Serra da Estrela:

  • Being a mountainous region, Serra da Estrela provides tourists with the opportunity to treasure some outstanding views from the top of the hills.
  • Serra da Estrela has earned a reputation among the tourers for the exquisitely beautiful blue lagoon that can be found in this place.
  • Serra da Estrela also has an interesting historical past. Traces of its historical past is evident in the castle belonging to the medieval age. Another part of its history is the road that dates back to the Roman Age.
  • One of the best attractions of Serra da Estrela is The Natural Park. This is the biggest in Portugal and is home to the loftiest mountain ranges in Portugal. The National Park features two Portuguese rivers, The Rio Zezere and Rio Mondego. The National Park of Serra da Estrela is rich in wildlife. Bats, Iberian frogs, and a host of bird species can be found in the area.
  • The crowning glory of Serra da Estrela is the cheese available in the region. Serra da Estrela cheese is made from sheep milk and sheep rearing is extensively practiced in the region. Another trademark article found in the region is wool.

Accommodation in Serra da Estrela:

Camelo and Casa de Sao Roque are two well known hotel of Serra da Estrela. Other boarding options are also available in Serra da Estrela.

Serra da Estrela sub region in Portual is apt for bicycle tours. The months beginning from May till August are the ideal time for undertaking bicycle tours in the Serra da Estrela area

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