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Portugal Population

by Vishal Kumar

Portugal's Population has been fluctuating since the beginning mainly because of the increasing rate of emigration until the 1980s. recently the population rate has been taken under control.

The growth of Portugal’s Population was very slow during the 1990s, which was mainly caused by the fall of the country’s population in the 1960s. This fall was due to the increasing rate of infant death.

Another reason behind this slow growth of the Portugal Population was because large numbers of Portuguese were migrating from the country. Since the 1980’s all these problems have been traced and controlled. The population of Portugal rapidly increased after the Portuguese living in Africa migrated to their native country of Portugal.

In 1864 the first Portuguese census was taken officially, which showed that the population of the country at the time was nearly 4.3 million. Over the years the rate of Portugal’s population rose and fell several times. According to the census report taken in 2001, the total population of the country was nearly 10,356,117 among which 51.7% were female.

Facts about Portugal’s Population

As per the estimate, the current population of Portugal is 10,270,046 in 2022.

According to the 2005 Census some facts about Portugal’s population are listed below:

  • Population – 10,566,212
  • The growth rate of the population – is 0.39%
  • Literacy rate – 93.3% (female: 91.3% and male: 95.5 %)

The majority of the Portuguese population is Roman Catholic and the minorities include nearly 300,000 Protestants, 10,000 Hindus, nearly 50,000 Muslims, and 1,000 Jews.

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