
Africa Physical Map

Physical Map of Africa displays relief, plateaus, rivers, intermittent streams, mountain peaks, plains, and other topographic features of Africa. Africa is a geographically diverse continent situated across the equator, characterized by large deserts, mountain ranges, and coastal plains.
Description : Africa physical map provides detailed information on the various physical features of the continent. Disclaimer

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As per the Africa Physical Map, the major geographic features of Africa include the coastal plains, the Atlas Mountains, the Ethiopian Highlands, and several deserts. This physical map of Africa shows that the Sahara Desert, the third largest in the world, covers most of Northern Africa, with an area of 9,400,000 square kilometers - about as large as the entire United States. In the south, the Kalahari Desert has similar conditions, though it is much smaller in comparison to the Sahara, at 900,000 square kilometers.
The Africa Physical Map highlights that the Atlas Mountains traverse northwestern Africa, through Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. Other ranges include the Ahaggar Mountains and the Mitumba Mountains, and Tanzania's Mount Kilimanjaro standing 5,895 meters above sea level.