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Attack on Karachi Naval Base

by Aakash Singha

In a major attack carried out by Taliban on the Mehran Naval Base in Karachi, 12 soldiers have died and 14 have become severely injured. There were around 20 Talibani terrorists who moved into the base and opened fire. Pakistani Army operations are on to either assassinate or get them alive.

Attack on Karachi Naval Base

On Monday, a Talibani Attack on Karachi Naval Base in Pakistan left at least 12 people dead and one fighter plane damaged, Pakistan navy sources said. Up to 20 armed radicals forced into the Mehran Marine Air Base in Karachi, shooting here and there and exploding bombs.

This set off gunfights with over 100 Pakistani commandos within one of the most significantly equipped army bases in Pakistan. A maneuver to get back the command over the base ceased following around 16 hours of combat, an army spokesperson stated.

An official from the Pakistan Navy further informed that 12 army men died and 14 were injured in the strike. About 15 to 20 assailants were reported to be inside the naval base. In addition, they struck three repair sheds where aircrafts were stored. There is information that one patrol jet has been damaged.

The Taliban in Pakistan has taken responsibility for the strike on the Karachi Naval Base.

Scores of ambulances were seen lined up outside the base to take care of the injured persons. At the same time, firefighters extinguished soaring flames on the naval base.

Once the encounter spread out, the representative of Taliban in Pakistan, Ehsanullah Ehsan informed over phone from an unidentified place that the Taliban are taking the responsibility for this strike on Karachi. He also stated that they had previously cautioned after the death of Osama Bin Laden that they will conduct even larger strikes. On 2nd May, Osama Bin Laden was assassinated by American Navy Seals in Abbottabad, located to the north of the national capital.

Rehman Malik, the Interior Minister, stated that the terrorists had struck from behind of the naval base. It is assumed that the rebels moved into the base via an air force museum, which is closely located and has less surveillance. Yusuf Raza Gilani, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, has criticized the strike.

There are statements that Mullah Omar, the Taliban leader, has been assassinated. However, they have been refuted by the terrorist group. Four militants have been detained and three have been assassinated. Rehman Malik said that the Pakistani Army could restrict them to one compound and a maneuver is in progress either to assassinate or catch them alive.

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