United States Electoral College
Did you know how US elections are conducted every 4 years? November of 2012 will see yet another fight for the oval office, an election closely watched by the rest of the world. From the famous Obama campaign of 2008 to a rollercoaster ride of the economy and US affairs, it would be an interesting battle of democrats and republicans next year. With republicans coming close to deciding their presidential candidate and democrats getting into their campaign mode, the race to the election day will be eventful. What makes it fascinating is how an electoral process brings the race for presidency down to two candidates, Winner-takes-all. Different from other democracies of the world with multi-party systems, United States Presidential Election process uses a form of indirect election. When Americans cast their ballots, they are able to vote for any of the presidential candidates listed on the ticket, or even write in a different name, if they so choose. However, American voters are really choosing between what are called electors – not directly for any of the presidential candidates. We would be active in mapping the election developments in 2012, but to get our engines started for this important event, we have updated our sections for US elections and included background informaton to help you understand the electoral process. This would be helpful for young voters and anyone who wants to understand how the US electoral machine puts a candidate in the white house. Check updated page on: The page also has information about How States Select Electors, Meetings of Electors, Faithless Electors, Joint Session of Congress and Contingent Election and Alternative Method of Choosing Electors
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