Marshall Islands Map

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About Marshall Islands
Explore this Marshall Islands map to learn everything you want to know about this country. Learn about Marshall Islands location on the world map, official symbol, flag, geography, climate, postal/area/zip codes, time zones, etc. Check out Marshall Islands history, significant states, provinces/districts, & cities, most popular travel destinations and attractions, the capital city’s location, facts and trivia, and many more.
Capital City: | Majuro |
Language: | English, Marshalllese, Japanese |
Currency: | United States Dollar |
Religion: | Christian |
National Anthem: | “Forever Marshall Islands“ |
Newspaper: | Marshall Islands Journal |
Places to Visit: | Arno Atoll, Majuro Atoll, Alele Museum & Public Library, Laura and many more attractive places are there in Marshalll Islands. |
Transport: | Airways: Air Nauru and Continental Micronesia airlines fly between various major plaves such as Majuro, Kiribati, Nauru, Brisbane, and Australia. |
Shopping: | Weaving works, woodcarvings, shell works are found in a very cheap price in Marshall Islands. |
Physical Map Of Marshall Islands
Marshall Islands have two parts. The western portion I called the Ralik groups and the eastern portion is called Ratak groups. The Ralik group consists of five small islets. These are Jaluit, Kwajalein, Wotho, Bikini, and Eniwetok. On the other hand the islets of the group Ratak are Mili, Majuro, Maloelap, Wotje, and Likiep. These small islands are also known as atolls. In size Marshall Islands is a little bigger than Washington DC. An unnamed land that is situated on Likiep claims the highest altitude of the Republic. It rises almost 10 meter above the sea level.
Location Of Marshall Islands
The Republic of Marshall Islands is located in the western region of the Pacifioc Ocean. The states that share their border wioth this Republic are Nauru in the northern region, Kiribat is also in the north side, Micronesian Federated States in the eastern region and Wake Island in the southern region.
Flag Of Marshal Islands
A flag of nation is of high importance and great value. It represents the nation’s individuality. Republic of Marshal Islands has a very beautiful flag. This is rectangular in shape and has total three colors in it. The base color of the flags is blue. However the blue part is bifurcated by two adjoining stripes that are stretched from the left bottom corner (hoist side) to the right top corner (fly side). The upper stripe is colored in orange and the stripe below that is colored in white. In the upper portion of the hoist side of the flags there is a star is featured. This star radiates four prominent big rays along with 20 very little rays. The star lies in the upper section of the flag above the stripes.
Climate Of Marshall Islands
Whenever you plan to visit a country, you should gather some information on the weather conditions of that country. Marshall Islands have a tropical climate. Through out the year the weather remains more or less sultry. If you want to travel without being disturbed by rainfalls, you should avoid the months between May to November. This period is characterised by heavy downpours. You must alsoo be careful about the cyclones that occur often in this counrty.
Flora And Fauna Of Marshall Islands
• Flora : The Republic of Marshall Islands does not have a very fertile land in its face. sands, cobbles, gravel, boulders, debris of limestone, beachrock and many things are spread all over the land. In this barrel soil a rich variety of vegetation is not possible. Howevr some very necessary plants grow in this country. A considerable amount of wood is found from the trees and some are alo used for the purpose of medicine and perfume.
• Fauna : T he world of animal also suffers from the climactic conditions. P ig chickens are found in every household. A various species of birds named Mallard, Gargarey, Gadwall, Black noddy, Tufted Duck, Canvasback, Sanderling and many more can be found in the Marshall Islands.
People Of Marshal Islands
The total population of the country is 65,000. The Micronesian people rule the major portion of the country’s population. They inhabited this island in the prehistoric era. Though English, Marshalllese, Japanese are the languages spoken in this country. Marshalllese is mostly spoken all over the land.
Art, Culture And Music Of Marshal Islands
• Art: The people of Marshall Islands practice the art of building canoe and proa. These are a kind of boat of small size. Some local handicrafts such as weaving, woodcarvings, shells, fishing gear, traditional boats also exist in the various regions of this Republic.
• Culture: In Marshall Islands primarily the Micronesian culture is found. However some of the Spanish traditions have also been accepted in this country’s culture. Some music forms and dance forms are derived from those Spanish folks.
• Music: The music of Marshall Islands is very rich and diverse. Among the various forma the most popular is the “roro”. It is traditional chant, performed during the time of navigation. It gives strength. Along with music, some dance forms are also very popular in this country. These traditional forms are “beet”, “jurbak” etc. “Beet” is a dance that originated from the Spanish folk dance. It includes men and women together. Then the “jurbak” is dance especially for the occasion of Christmas. Besides these a stick dance also exist in Marshall Islands.
Economy Of Marshal Islands
Republic of Marshal Islands has an economy system that is partially dependent on farming and agriculture. The primary agricultural products are breadfruit, tomatoes, coconuts, melons, taro and some other fruits. In this country some industries are growing rapidly. These are tuna processing industry, copra industry, tourism industry, craft items from seashells, wood carving industry, pearls industry etc. a big part of the country’s revenue depends on the export business. The materials that are mainly exported to the foreign states are coconut oil, handicrafts, copra cake, fish, breadfruit and so on. In this export trade the nations that are partners of Marshal Islands are Japan, U.S., China, New Zealand, Australia, Fiji, Singapore, and Philippines.