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Latvia Consulate

by poonam bisht

The Latvia Consulate or the Latvia Embassy have almost the same responsibilities, except for the fact that the former has greater power of office than the later. . Apart from maintaining peace in the…

The Latvia Consulate or the Latvia Embassy have almost the same responsibilities, except for the fact that the former has greater power of office than the later. . Apart from maintaining peace in the neighboring countries, it has is to have a smooth and healthy International relations with the governments of all other countries. The Latvia Consulate also has the responsibility of extending a hand of cooperation to eradicate the various social evils from the countries.

The Latvia Consulate also assists the host countries on various peace missions. A Latvia Consulate, unlike a Lativian Embassy, is established in a country, which is on the verge of beginning a relationship with Latvia. Establishing Consulates of Latvia in these countries is a friendly step towards establishing co-operative terms with the countries. The Latvian Embassies are a medium to promote this friendly relation.

Maintaining peace and harmonious relationship with the countries around the world, is what is prioritized in the Latvian Consulate. As it protects the civil rights of its natives in other parts of the country, it also implements rules and regulations so that they live complying to the laws of that country. The Latvia Consulate in various countries have the responsibility of promoting the politics, culture, language and the humanitarian aspects of Latvia.

Some of the countries where Latvian Consulates are present are:

  • Kingdom of Belgium
  • Dominican Republic
  • Republic of Austria
  • Georgia
  • Republic of France
  • Argentine Republic
  • Arab Republic of Egypt
  • Kingdom of Norway
  • Commonwealth of Australia
  • Republic of Finland
  • Federative Republic of Brazil
  • Federal Republic of Germany

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