
United Arab Emirates Latitude and Longitude Map

United Arab Emirates's latitude and longitude is 24° 00' N and 54° 00' E . Below is the map of United Arab Emirates showing major towns, roads, airports with latitudes and longitudes plotted on it.

United Arab Emirates Latitude and Longitude Map
Oman Latitude and Longitude Map Oman Latitude and Longitude Map Saudi Arabia Latitude and Longitude Map Qatar Latitude and Longitude Map
Description : Find United Arab Emirates latitude and longitude map showing comprehensive details including cities, roads, towns, airports and much more. Disclaimer

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The latitude and longitude denominations of the United Arab Emirates are 24 00 N and 54 00 E respectively.
The countries that lie within the latitude and longitude around Saudi Arabia, together form the the nation of the United Arab Emirates . The latitude and longitude denominations of the countries of the United Arab Emirates positions it in the Persian Gulf coast. The total area of the United Arab Emirates which it has been granted due to its latitude and longitude denominations is a total of 83,600 sq km. The latitude and longitude denominations of Abu Dhabi , United Arab Emirates' capital, is 24°28 N and 54°22 E respectively.

The latitude and longitude demarcations of the United Arab Emirates provides it with a climate that is cool, but only in the mountainous terrains. Otherwise, the nation faces a climate that is typical of a desert.

Locations Latitude Longitude
Abu al Abyad24°11'N53°50'E
Abu Dhabi / Abu Zaby24°28'N54°22'E
Abu Musa25°52'N55°03'E
Abu Zaby24°28'N54°22'E
Adh Dhayd25°17'N55°53'E
Al Fujayrah25°07'N56°18'E
Al Mughayra', 24°05'N53°32'E
Ash Shariqah25°23'N55°26'E
Az Zarqa24°53'N53°04'E
Bu Beqarah25°35'N56°25'E
Bu Hasa23°30'N53°20'E
Dubai / Dubayy25°18'N55°20'E
Duwayhin, Khawr24°20'N51°25'E
Ra's al Khaymah25°50'N55°59'E
Sir bani Yas24°191'N52°37'E

Last Updated on: May 26th, 2023