The Republic of Turkey is located on the geographic coordinates of 39.1667° N latitude and 35.6667° E longitude in Asia.
The Eurasian country of the Republic of
Turkey, located in the South Eastern part of Europe and the South Western part of Asia,
has the
geographic coordinates of 39°00'N
latitude and 35°00'E
longitude .
Turkey means Strong in ancient Turkic language.
Turkey is the birthplace of important ancient civilizations like the Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman Empire.
geographic latitude and longitude of Turkey encompasses an area of 780,580 sq km. The climate is influenced by the
geographic location of Turkey ; the weather is Mediterranean temperate with hot summers and cool winters. The terrain of the land is also dependent on its unique
geographic coordinates , having several mountain ranges, a coastal plain and the central Anatolia Plateau. The highest peak is the Mount Ararat standing at a height of 5,166 m. An earthquake fault runs across
Turkey which causes occasional tremors. The capital of
Turkey is Ankara with its
geographic location at 39°55'N latitude and 32°50'E longitude. The largest city is Istanbul with
geographic coordinates of 40°58'N latitude and 28°50'E longitude. Another important city is Izmir with the
latitude and
longitude of 38°26'N and 27°10'E respectively.
Last Updated on: May 26th, 2023