Togo Latitude and Longitude Map
Togo's latitude and longitude is 8° 00'N and 1° 10'E . Below is the map of Togo showing major towns, roads, airports with latitudes and longitudes plotted on it.
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Description: Find Togo latitude and longitude map showing comprehensive details including cities, roads, towns, airports and much more. | Disclaimer |
The capital city is Lomé, at the geographic location of 6°7'N latitude and 1°13'E longitude. Originally known as French Togoland, the country came to be known as Togo in 1960° Togo has 5 administrative regions called Centrale, Kara, Maritime, Plateaux and the Savanes. Togo's latitude and longitude encompasses a population of 5,701,579. There is a distinct majority of the 37 African tribes like the Ewes, Minas and the Kabres; there are few Europeans and some people of Syrian-Lebanese origin. French is the official language.
Locations | Latitude | Longitude |
Dapaong | 10°55'N | 00°16'E |
Klouto | 06°57'N | 00°44'E |
Lome | 06°09'N | 01°20'E |
Mango | 10°20'N | 00°30'E |
Sokode | 09°00N'S | 11°11'E |