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Slovakia Latitude and Longitude Map
Slovakia's latitude and longitude is 48° 40' N and 19° 30' E . Below is the map of Slovakia showing major towns, roads, airports with latitudes and longitudes plotted on it.
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The main latitude and longitude of Slovakia is 48° 40'North and 19° 30'East. The total area which falls between the first and the last latitude and longitude of Slovakia is 48,845 square kilometer.
The country of Slovakia is located between the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle. The latitudes of Slovakia pass through the temperate zone and as it is near to the Arctic it has cool summers and cold humid winters. The mountainous terrain is also to an extent responsible for the extremely cold winters.
The latitude and longitude of the capital of Slovakia , Bratislava, is 48° 09' North and 17° 07'East. The longitude of Slovakia lies of the east of the Prime meridian. The standard time is thus one hour ahead of the Greenwich Mean Time. From March to October one hour daylight saving time is kept. The time difference of Slovakia with Washington DC is around six hours.
The latitude and longitude of the capital of Slovakia , Bratislava, is 48° 09' North and 17° 07'East. The longitude of Slovakia lies of the east of the Prime meridian. The standard time is thus one hour ahead of the Greenwich Mean Time. From March to October one hour daylight saving time is kept. The time difference of Slovakia with Washington DC is around six hours.
Locations Latitude Longitude Banska Bystrica 48°46'N 19°14'E Bardejo 49°18'N 21°15'E Bratislava 48°10'N 17°07'E Dukelsky Prusmyk 49°25'N 21°42'E High Tatra/Tatry 49°20'N 20°00'E Hrondna 47°49'N 18°45'E Humenne 48°55'N 21°50'E Komarno 47°49'N 18°05'E Kosice 48°42'N 21°15'E Levice 48°13'N 18°35'E Low Tatra=Nizke Tatry 48°55'N 19°30'E Lucencec 48°18'N 19°42'E Male Karpaty 48°30'N 17°20'E Martin 49°06'N 18°58'E Michalovce 48°47'N 21°58'E
Locations Latitude Longitude Morava 48°10'N 16°59'E Nitra 48°19'N 18°04'E Nitra 47°46°'N 18°10'E Nizke Tatry 48°55'N 19°30'E Nove Zamky 48°02'N 18°08'E Poprad 49°03'N 20°18'E Povazska, Bystrica 49°08'N 18°27'E Presov 49°0'N 21°15'E Prievidza 48°46'N 18°36'W Slovenske Rudohorie 48°45'N 20°0'E Trencin 48°52'N 18°4'E Trnava 48°23'N 17°35'E Vah 47°43'N 18°7'E Zilina 49°12'N 18°42'E