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Panama Latitude and Longitude Map

Panama's latitude and longitude is 09° 00' N and 80° 00' W . Below is the map of Panama showing major towns, roads, airports with latitudes and longitudes plotted on it.

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Description: Find Panama latitude and longitude map showing comprehensive details including cities, roads, towns, airports and much more. Disclaimer

Panama is located within the latitude and longitude of 09° 00 N, 80° 00 W. The Republic of Panama is the southernmost country of Central America.

Panama is a continental nation which connects North and South America. It is surrounded by Costa Rica on the northwest, Colombia on the southeast, the Caribbean Sea on the north and the Pacific Ocean on the south. The capital city of Panama is Panama. The latitude and longitude of Panama, the capital city of Panama is 08° 58' N, 79º 32 W'.

The latitude and longitude of Panama includes 78,200 sq km of total land area. It is marked by a chain of mountains in the west, moderate hills in the interior, and a low range on the east coast. There are extensive forests in the fertile Caribbean area. The climate within this latitude and longitude of Panama is tropical in nature. Here persists a hot, humid and cloudy rainy season from the month of May to January. In this region dry season lasts for very short period, from January to May.

  • Locations Latitude Longitude
    Aguadulce 08°15'N80°32'W
    Azuero, Pen. de07°30'N80°30'W
    Baru, Volcan08°55'N82°35'W
    Bocas del Toro09°15'N82°20'W
    Cebaco, I.de07°33'N81°09'W
    Chiriqui, G. de08°00'N82°10'W
    Chiriqui, L.de09°10'N82°00'W
    Coiba, I.07°30'N81°40'W
    Colon 09°20'N79°54'W
    El Real08°00'N77°40'W
    Gatun, L.09°07'N79°56'W
    Jicaron, I.07°10'N81°50'W
  • Locations Latitude Longitude
    La Chorrera08°53'N79°47'W
    La Concepcion08°31'N82°37'W
    La Palma08°15'N78°00'W
    Las Tablas07°49'N80°14'W
    Mala Pts. 07°28'N80°02'W
    Manzanillo Pta. 09°30'N79°40'W
    lMariato Punta07°12'N80°52'W
    Mosquitos G. de los. 09°15'N81°10'W
    Nombre de Dios09°34'N79°28'W
    Panama G. de08°04'N79°20'W
    Panama Canal 09°10'N79°37'W
    Perlas Arch de las 08°41'N79°07'W
    Puerto Armuelles08°20'N82°51'W
    Rey I. Del08°20'N78°30'W
    Rio Hato 8°22'N80°10'W
    Santiago 8°0'N81°0'W

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