
Gibraltar Latitude and Longitude Map

Gibraltar's latitude and longitude is 36° 8' N and 5° 21' W . Below is the map of Gibraltar showing major towns, roads, airports with latitudes and longitudes plotted on it.
Gibraltar Latitude and Longitude Map Spain Lat Long Map
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Gibraltar is located on the tip of the Iberian Peninsula with latitude and longitude of 36°8'N and 5°21'W.Gibraltar has been a British overseas territory since it was ceded by Spain in 1713° The name Gibraltar is derived from the Arabic Gibal Tariq meaning Rock of Tariq.

The capital of Gibraltar is Gibraltar City with the geographic latitude and longitude of 36°8'N and 5°21'W respectively.

The geographic latitude and longitude of Gibraltar span across a small area of 6.5 sq km. The climate of Gibraltar is uniformly Mediterranean. Summers are warm and sunny while the winters are mild and comfortable. The terrain of Gibraltar is dominated by the famous Rock of Gibraltar. The surrounding area overlooking the Strait of Gibraltar is part of the narrow coastal plains region.

Gibraltar has a population of 27,967, composed of a Spanish majority and other races like the Italians, the English, the Maltese, Portuguese, Germans and assorted North African tribes. The dominant religion is Roman Catholicism followed by the Church of England.

Latitude and Longitude of Gibraltar

Europa, Pa. De36°03'N05°21'W

Last Updated on: November 14th, 2017