
Dominica Latitude and Longitude Map

Dominica's latitude and longitude is 15° 25' N and 61° 20' W. Below is the map of Dominica showing major towns, roads, airports with latitudes and longitudes plotted on it.
Dominica Latitude and Longitude Map
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The small and picturesque island of Dominica that lies in the Caribbean occupies the latitude and longitude of 15°25N and 61°20W respectively.

The small island of Dominica has a total population of 70000 of which 20000 are concentrated in the capital city of Roseau that further lies in the latitude and longitude of 15°20N and 61°24W respectively. From the occupation of the specific latitude and longitude of Dominica , the climate that the country would experience can be well guessed.

Being a Caribbean island the country of Dominica faces a tropical kind of climate but the climate cannot be said to be extreme. Even during winters the temperature lies around the 25°C mark and in summers there is again not much variation with the temperature not rising above the 28°C mark.

Summers usher in heavy showers of rainfall and also intermittent hurricanes. However, in this mountainous terrain called Dominica, spring is the driest of all months.

Latitude and Longitude of Dominica

Dikkil = Dikhil11°08'N42°20'E

Last Updated on: November 10th, 2017