
Bulgaria Latitude and Longitude Map

Bulgaria's latitude and longitude is 43° 00' N and 25° 00' E . Below is the map of Bulgaria showing major towns, roads, airports with latitudes and longitudes plotted on it.
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The main latitude and longitude of Bulgaria is 43° North and 25° East. Bulgaria is a South European country located on the banks of the Black Sea.
The latitudes of Bulgaria show that the country is in significant distance from the Equator. The country of Bulgaria falls between the Tropic of Cancer and the Artic Circle. This is responsible for the cold and damp winter which is a typical feature of a temperate country.

The latitude and longitude of the capital city of Bulgaria , Sofia, is 42° 41'North and 23° 19'East. As the Bulgarian longitudes lie on the east of the Prime Meridian the time difference form the Greenwich Mean Time is about two hours more than the UTC. The time zone of Bulgaria is known as EET during the summer months the time difference is one hour more for saving the daylight.

Latitude and Longitude of Bulgaria

Arda 41°40'N 26°30'E
Asenovgrad 42°01'N 24°51'E
Aytos 42°42'N 27°16'E
Balchik 43°28'N 28°11'E
Balkan Mts./Stara Planina 43°15'N 23°00'E
Blagoevgrad 42°02'N 23°05'E
Burgas 42°33'N 27°29'E
Dimiltrovgrad 42°05'N 25°35'E
Dimitrovo/Pernik 42°35'N 23°02'E
Dobrich 43°37'N 27°49'E
Dragoman, Prokhod 42°58'N 22°53'E
Elkhovo 42°10'N 26°35'E
Emine, Nos 42°40'N 27°56'E
Gabrovo 42°52'N 25°19'E
Gorna Dzhumayo/Blagoevgrad 42°02'N 23°05'E
Gorna Oryakhovitsa 43°07'N 25°40'E
Iskur 43°45'N 24°25'E
Kaliakra, Nos 43°21'N 28°30'E
Kamchiya 43°04'N 27°44'E
Karlovo 42°38'N 24°47'E
Kazanluk 42°38'N 25°20'E
Khaskovo 41°56'N 25°30'E
Kurdzhali 41°38'N 25°21'E
Keustendi 42°16'N 22°41'E
Levskigrad/Karlovo 42°38'N 24°47'E
Lom 43°48'N 23°12'E
Lovech 43°08'N 24°42'E
Marek/Stanke DiMitrov 42°17'N 23°09'E
Mastanli/Momchilgrad 41°33'N 25°23'E
Mesta 40°54'N 24°49'E
Michurin 42°09'N 27°51'E
Midzor 43°24M 22°40'E
Mikhaylovgrad/Montana 43°27'N 23°16'E
Momchilgrad 41°33'N 25°23'E
Montana 43°27'N 23°16'W
Musala 42°13'N 23°37'E
Nova Zagora 42°32'N 26°01'E
Oryakhovo 43°40'N 23°57'E
Pazardzhik 42°12'N 24°20'E
Pernik 42°35'N 23°02'E
Petrich 41°24'N 23°13'E
Philipopolis/Plovdiv 42°08'N 24°44'E
Pirin Planina 41°40'N 23°30'E
Pleven 43°26'N 24°37'E
Plovdiv 42°08'N 24°44'E
Razgrad 43°33'N 26°34'E
RhodopeMts/Rhodopi Planina 41°40'N 24°20'E
Ruse 43°48'N 25°59'E
Samokov 42°18'N 23°35'E
Sevlievo 43°2'N 25°6'E
Silistra 44°6'N 27°19'E
Sjumen/Shumen 43°18'N 26°55'E
Sliven 42°42'N 26°19'E
Smolyan 41°36'N 24°38'E
Sofia/Sofiya 42°45'N 23°20'E
Sofiya 42°45'N 23°20'E
Teteven 42°58'N 24°17'E
Tsarevo/Michurin 42°9'N 27°51'E
Tundzha 41°40'N 26°35'E
Turgovishte 43°17'N 26°38'E
Turnovo/Veliko Turnovo 43°5'N 25°41'E
Tutrakan 44°2'N 26°40'E
Varna 43°13'N 27°56'E
Veliko Turnovo 43°5'N 25°41'E
Vezhen 42°50'N 24°20'E
Vidin 43°59'N 22°50'E
Vratsa 43°15'N 23°30'E

Last Updated on: November 9th, 2017