
Bhutan Latitude and Longitude Map

Bhutan's latitude and longitude is 27° 30' N and 90° 30' E . Below is the map of Bhutan showing major towns, roads, airports with latitudes and longitudes plotted on it.

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The latitude and longitude of Bhutan which is used to signify its geographical location is 27° 30'North and 90° 30'East.

The country of Bhutan is a small Asian country which falls between China and India. The climate of Bhutan is mostly cool and pleasant as it is located on the foothills of the Himalayas. Though latitude and longitude of Bhutan falls within the Northern hemisphere and between the equator and Tropic of Cancer, it does not have a typical tropical climate.

The latitude and longitude of the capital of Bhutan , Thimpu, is 27° 28'North and 89° 39' East. As the longitude of Bhutan falls in the east of Prime Meridian the Bhutan Time Zone or BTC as it is commonly known is 6 hours more than the UTC. The total area which falls within the first and last latitude and longitude of Bhutan is 47,000 square kilometer.

Last Updated on: November 9th, 2017