Home > GIS remotesensing > Terrasolid


by Aakash Singha

Terrasolid is one of the leading companies in software development, processing laser data and aerial images. It provides software products for processing airborne scanned laser data, field surveying and infrastructural…

Terrasolid is one of the leading companies in software development, processing laser data and aerial images. It provides software products for processing airborne scanned laser data, field surveying and infrastructural design and for Design and maintenance. Its famous products include TerraScan, TerraModeler, TerraPhoto and TerraMatch. All of these products are very powerful and give high accuracy in final products. Its software for laser mapping enables user to process laser data points, adjust trajectories, create surface models of ground and rectify images to orthophotos by using laser points as projection.


Terrasolid Ltd.
Ylistnmentie 31
Fin 40500 Jyvskyl
Tel: +358 400 648 391
Fax: +358 14 645 002
Email: info@terrasolid.fi
Web: www.terrasolid.fi

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