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by Aakash Singha

LIDAR Image is the an image taken with Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) , which is a very newly emerged technology in the field of information technology. LIDAR Imaging is the most suitable for topographic…

LIDAR Image is the an image taken with Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) , which is a very newly emerged technology in the field of information technology. LIDAR Imaging is the most suitable for topographic mapping. Though LIDAR is a technology that started developing before 30 days. But the importance of LIDAR Image has gained its popularity in the field of Geographic Information System (GIS) as well as Remote Sensing and Information Technology in the last five years. The importance LIDAR Image has gained popularity because of some reasons. These are as follows-


  • LIDAR Image is comparatively less expensive than other source of raw data.
  • Data processing can be made faster with the help of LIDAR Image.
  • LIDAR Imaging can give much accurate information comparing to other sources.
  • LIDAR Image is a convenient as well as traditional source for topographical mapping.
  • Photogrammetric techniques can be applied very easily on LIDAR Image.

As LIDAR Image provides very accurate information, it is used by local, federal and state governments world wide. Generally those information are used for land resource development. The images are captured using airborne LIDAR system. Those LIDAR can create very explanatory and highly precise elevation data with thousands of laser pulses sticking the surface of the earth. These data are further processed using different photogrammetric techniques to create valuable information and some important facts. Those are used for the generation of various types of maps. These topographic maps created from LIDAR Image are used to study –

  • Vegetation information
  • Terrain elevation
  • Slope changes
  • Coastal area changes etc. and many mare.
  • Automatic feature extraction
  • Forest study
  • Wireless communication design
  • Survey assessment
  • Scientific calculation for measuring rate of degradation

In the field of slope changes LIDAR Imaging plays a very important role in determining data with precise result. The accurate data are get using LIDAR data acquisition system. The accurate elevation data is collected using “return signal strength”. The return pulses are reflected back from the target and this signal is detected by the detector of LIDAR system. LIDAR Image sometimes give faulty result. The result varies due to the following reasons.

These are –

  • Atmosphere
  • Altitude or elevation
  • Reflectance properties of the object
  • Direction of reflection

In LIDAR Image, as the result is varying, the interpretation needs experts opinion ti generate a proper information.

Advantages of using LIDAR image :

  • LIDAR Image is used for creating various elevation model.
  • Intensity image is used to verify LIDAR data.
  • This verification is done with no cost.
  • LIDAR Image can be supplied to the clients only with the cost of data processing. This is another additional advantage of using LIDAR Image.
  • LIDAR Image is used as a substitution of orthophotos.
  • It provides further research facility by LIDAR system vendors and users to obtain up to date values and information about the topic concerned.
  • A very important feature of using LIDAR Image is all the obtained images are geographically referenced. So those data can directly be used to Geographic Information System (GIS) application.
  • Therefore, LIDAR Imaging can be considered as a very important branch of study in the field of information technology.

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