GIS Services

by Aakash Singha

GIS Services are offered by many GIS Companies for various respects like geological mapping, urban planning, engineering mapping etc. These GIS Services range from simple mapping to determining site locations to business solutions. GIS is now an…

GIS Services are offered by many GIS Companies for various respects like geological mapping, urban planning, engineering mapping etc. These GIS Services range from simple mapping to determining site locations to business solutions. GIS is now an increasingly growing field which stores data into digital format and represent it into graphical form which helps in solving problems faced by real world.


GIS Services include the following services:

  • Managing security of home and surrounding areas: This GIS Services include analyzing the surrounding area and identifying the possible danger threats followed by implementing techniques to reduce the threats. The area must also be monitored every time for quick action and solving the problems. An emergency set up must also be installed so that at the time of danger, it saves time, life as well as property.
  • Training to students: A proper training is organized for the students interested in GIS so that they can use the GIS Services whenever they need it.
  • Civil Engineering Mapping: GIS Services can also be used by the civil engineers to produce maps of their project site.
  • Contour Mapping: This GIS Service helps in constructing any building, roads or bridge. Contour farming which reduces soil erosion can also be done through GIS Services .
  • Water Resource Mapping and Monitoring: GIS Services can be used for finding out the water level in an area before any construction or building dams or before cultivating any area.
  • Urban Infrastructure Planning: GIS Services are now increasingly being used for urban infrastructural planning for example GIS Services are used for managing traffic in very busy roads.
  • Environmental Planning: For monitoring the level of pollution GIS Services can be used like the pollution checking of vehicles can be done by GIS softwares .
  • Geological Mapping: Before constructing a mine, it is necessary to see the geological composition of the place. GIS Services helps to find out the geological composition of an area.
  • Forest Mapping: GIS Services helps to know the amount of forest cover of any country depending upon which the country can make conservation plan, if necessary.
  • Business solutions: If any company want to know the number of customer it has or find out the area of its influence or want to increase its number of customers, then GIS Services can be used to get the desired result.
  • Local Area Planning: GIS Services are used to built district planning maps, city maps, states maps and census maps.
  • Disaster Mapping: GIS Services provide a wide range of softwares which can be used for mapping disaster affected areas like flood affected areas. It also helps in saving people during disasters.


GIS Softwares used for getting GIS Services :

  • Blue Marble Graphics
  • ESRI
  • ArcView
  • FleetASAP
  • HyperXpress
  • Autodesk
  • LizardTech
  • Map Info
  • Caliper
  • Cadcorp
  • Arc Info
  • ER Mapper

Some of the GIS Companies who provide GIS Services :

    • AMERICEC in U.S.A.
    • Barwon Water in Australia
    • Infotech in India
    • Rolta India Ltd in India and Europe
    • CyberTech in U.S.A and India
    • GIS SKY in China


Thus GIS Services is growing and is expected to grow more in the future. It is expected that a host of new companies, new GIS Softwares , and a range of new GIS Services will crop up in near future.

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