Alkor Technologies Ltd.
Alkor Technologies Ltd. is an organization that is famous for the software solution solutions, services and consultancy. The organization also generates Geographic Information System with the help of remote sensing application, geophysics and field data acquisition.
Services provided by the Alkor Technologies Ltd. :
The basic services can be divided into the following sub-categories. These are –
Consultancy services : Alkor Technologies Ltd. Provides various consultancy services that include –
- Data acquisition procedure
- Geographical data assessment
- Field Observation : During the field observation, it monitors –
- Changes over the surface of the earth
- Slope changes
- Hazard monitoring
- Cropping pattern
- Water bodies pollution measurement
Thus, History of Alkor Technologies Ltd. began to grow from the beginning of its civilization. Alkor Technologies Ltd. has achieved its global reputation for providing world class services to the geotechnical, geophysical and geomatics field in association with the engineering techniques. Thus, Alkor Technologies Ltd. Is working for the development of nation.
Contact Information :
Alkor Technologies Ltd.
Plot No. 129, Srinagar Colony
Andhra Pradesh 500 073
Email :