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Ethiopia Facts

by Vishal Kumar

Ethiopia is a populous landlocked country. Ethiopia's National Day is observed on May 28, to celebrate its freedom from the Marxist Derg.

Facts about Ethiopia

Continent       -    Africa
Lat Long        -    8 00 N, 38 00 E 
Area            -    1,104,300 sq km (426,371 sq mi)
Population      -    114.96 million (2020 est.)
Capital         -    Addis Ababa
Largest City    -    Addis Ababa 
Official Languages - Oromo, Amharic, Somali, Tigrayan,
Major Religion  -    Ethiopian Orthodox 43.5%, Muslim 33.9%, Protestant 18.5%, traditional 2.7%, Catholic 0.7%, other 0.6% (2007 est.)
National Day    -    28 May (1991)
Form of Government - Federal parliamentary republic
President       -    Sahle-Work Zewde
Prime Minister  -    Abiy Ahmed Ali since 2018
Currency        -    Ethiopian birr since 2018
GDP             -    $132 billion (2014 Est.) 
Calling Code    -    251
Time Zone       -    East Africa Time, UTC+03:00 Summer (DST) not observed (UTC+3) 
Internet TLD    -   .et

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