The town of Novy Bydzov covers an area of 3,524 hectares of land. It is located at an elevation 234 meter. The total population of the town is 7,166. Some of the…

The town of Novy Bydzov covers an area of 3,524 hectares of land. It is located at an elevation 234 meter. The total population of the town is 7,166.

Some of the historical and cultural monuments of Novy Bydzov town are:

  • The Gothic Church of St. Lawrence belongs to the early 14th century.
  • The Baroque church of St. James at Metlicany was built between 1768-1775, and has a neo-Gothic Town Hall which was designed by J. Mica (1862-1865).
  • The Art Nouveau Savings Bank with a Museum displaying guilds, arts, paintings, crafts and the sculptures made by the artist Vaclav Kudera-Krapik etc.
  • The Marian plague column at Masaryk Square was completed in the year 1716.
  • The old Jewish cemetery was established in 1520.

The Novy Bydzov town was originally a royal town, which was first referred in 1305. The town was was laid on the banks of River Cidlina, on the basis of a geometric ground plan, to the southeast of Stary Bydzov. The plan of the town is a rare example of the urban planning of the medieval period. The neogothic town hall from 1862 – 1865, is one of the dominant landmark of Bydzov square, which is presently the municipal office.

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