Map of Cook Islands

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About Cook Islands
Explore this Cook Islands map to learn everything you want to know about this country. Learn about Cook Islands location on the world map, official symbol, flag, geography, climate, postal/area/zip codes, time zones, etc. Check out Cook Islands history, significant states, provinces/districts, & cities, most popular travel destinations and attractions, the capital city’s location, facts and trivia, and many more.
Discover innumerable nuances of innate and hidden beauty as you get to venture to the land of the Cooks Island. Nestled in the Tonga Island high on the Tropic of Capricorn, the island is scattered to a total land area of about 237 sq. km.
The island has a self-governing parliamentary democracy and is well placed in the middle of South Pacific that can be compared to New Zealand in terms of population. The untouched destination of Cooks Island boasts of diverse cultural attractions that attract travelers mainly to its beaches.
The island is constituted with 15 islands that is separated into groups like the Southern Cook islands and the Northern Cook islands of coral isle. Each island stimulates your excitement level with its unique and distinctive features where one gets various opportunities to look upon to while traveling here. The capital city of the Cooks Island is Rarotonga where you might capture the magnificent sights of the South Seas.
Location Of Cook Islands
The Cook Islands is nestled in South Pacific Ocean towards the north-eastern part of the New Zealand, lying in the midst of French Polynesia and Fiji .
Physical Map Of Cook Islands
Cooks Island is a well-preserved landscape with wide extensive wooded areas engulfed with volcanic islands and gritty mountains that descend to the turquoise waters of white sand coastlines.
Divided into two major coral reef groups: One being the southern group of coral isle and the other being the northern group of volcanic islands. Under the northern group: the Penrhyn, Nanihiki, Rahanga, Pukapuka, Suwarrow and Nassau that cover the major area. While within the southern group: Mangaia, Rarotonga, Atiu, Mauke Mitiaro, Aitutaki, Manuac and Takutea holds about 87 percent of the total land location.
Flag Of Cook Islands
The flag of Cook Island is designed with the flag of UK placed on the upper side of the hoist corner set on a blue background, which mainly describes New Zealand’s long-term relationship with Great Britain. One would also see 15 white colored five pointed stars making a large circle in order that is placed in the central location towards the outer side of the flag. It is these 15 stars that depict the 15 islands that are nestled in Cook Island.
Climate Of Cook Islands
Cooks Island has a tropical climatic condition with hot, scorching and sultry weather that averages out the atmosphere with the frequent downpour that hits along the region from the month of November and March. The place witnesses 2,000 to 3,000 mm of heavy precipitation occasionally hit by the cyclones and high winds. It is usually in the months of April to October that remains considerably dry with about 70ºF to 80ºF temperature.
Flora And Fauna Of Cook Islands
Cooks Island has one of the richest habitats of flora and fauna blessed with indigenous plants and animals.
The place is known for preserving sea life particularly whales in the educative center of Whale Outreach Organization that is placed in Avarua near Rarotonga. One can catch the glimpses of Humpback whales that visit the region from July to October usually in the Rarotonga and Mangaia region.
Catch up with the sight of Rarotongan Flycatcher popularly known as Kakerori bird that is located in the wooded southern areas of Rarotonga. Come across an unusual species, typical of this region known as kopeka nestled within the dense caves of Atiu. Atiu is famous for red-tailed tropicbirds and red-footed boobies along with terns, noddies and frigate birds where one of the finest wildlife sanctuary resides.
The national flower of Cooks Island is the Tiare Maori known as gardenia, which is used by the local people for traditionally greeting guests that visit this place. Hibiscus, which is even called as Kaute, is widely popular in this region. Flamboyant, or flame tree is scattered in abundance throughout the areas.
People Of Cook Islands
The people of Cook Island are friendly and exuberant in nature and welcome guests to a warm and cozy ambience who believes in spending hours in revelry. Enjoying an easy pace of life, which is reflected through their living condition that believes in sharing and caring. Among the innumerable religion present in Cook Island, the Christianity predominantly thrives in the region. Maori is the local dialect of the region but English is even widely used.
Arts, Culture And Music Of Cook Islands
Art: Tivaevae is a widely accepted art in Cook Island . The art of appliqué-designed quilts that are beautifully designed with different patterns of flowers, plants, butterflies, and sea-life are wonderfully displayed on the wall. These quilts are used on special celebrations and festivals. The people even indulge in making wooden carving, woven hats and black pearl ornaments. The National Archive Museum exhibits the native works of Tivaevae in the exhibition that is held in the month of October.
Culture: The feature of individualism and uniqueness is what makes each island different from one another. A regular custom that is followed in the northern island is about gifting a newborn baby to relatives within the respected family.
Music: The native people indulge in singing and dancing that is practiced from past several generations. The native dancing is escorted with drumbeats that add a sensual touch, thereby describing the tales of history behind it. The kids learn this native dancing from a very young age.
Economy Of Cook Islands
The Cook Island is supported by the aid that it frequently receives from the New Zealand. The economic growth of the region is benefited with the tourism industry that amounts to about 60,000 travelers that visit this place. The offshore banking, export of Black pearls and fruit mainly paw-paw, selling of Tuna fishes to the international market have added value to the revenue income of the island. The island even has several small-scale cottage industries especially coconut perfumes and soaps that add value to the growth rate in a limited amount. Family plantation is the only means by which the local people thrive on.
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