Liaoning Province Map

The Liaoning province of the People’s Republic of China is located in the north-east region of China. It has the Yellow Sea to its east and the Bohai sea on its south. The Korean peninsula lies to the east of Liaoning and on its southeast lies Japan. The province spans across a total area of 145,900 square kilometers. The city of Shenyang which is slated to host the 2008 Beijing Summer Games is the capital of this province.
Lying to the east of Eurasia the province of Liaoning experiences a temperate continental type of climate where winters are long and summers are quite warm. Spring however is very short in Liaoning and autumn too falls in the same category as spring. While there are adequate sunny days in the province, rainfall that this place experiences is also not scanty. Rainfall is highest in the eastern hilly area while it is not so high in the western slopes of the region, while the central plateau receives moderate amount of rainfall.
The total population of Liaoning province according to the 2001 census was about 42.38 million. The population comprises of multi-ethnic groups and there are about 44 nationalities residing in Liaoning. The dominant community is of course of the Hans and besides them the other 43 are all minority groups like the Manchus, the Mongolians, the Huis, the Koreans and the Sibo. These minority communities make up for 16% of the Liaoning’s population.
The economy of the place is basically industry based but the soil of the place produces abundant rice, corn, soybeans, apples and some delicious seafood like prawns, abalone and kelp are available here. About 5.91 million of the population here work in different enterprises in the province. The province accounts for the majority portion of China’s total industrial output. In fact the light industry output of the place reached some 86.4 billion yuan while the heavy industry output was estimated at 268 billion yuan. China’s capital is greatly dependent on Liaoning’s economy which is the most flourishing provincial economy in the country.