Saigon is a picturesque town in Chad. It is situated on latitude 14.2667 and longitude 21.1333. The approximate longitude of this place is 2486 feet.
The cities and towns that are situated closely beside Saigon are Kodok, Andanan, Ininge, Boumdel, Doudoun, Koudigi and Iringe. The time zone of it is UTC+1.
Since a long time, this city of Saigon is attending a number of tourists across the globe. This is why, with the course of time, the number of hotels and other accommodation facilities of this place is increasing to tackle the enhancing rush. Some of the most reputed hotels and apartments that are providing quality boarding and accommodation facilities have been mentioned below:
- Saigon Domaine Luxury Residences
- Sheraton Saigon Serviced Apartments
In Saigon-a City in Chad there are numerous beautiful places that a tourist can visit. This is probably the reason behind its increasing popularity as a tourist spot. The available transportation facilities of this place also deserve appreciation.