The Dichotomy of Women’s Rights in Nepal’s New Constitution

After seven long years at the drafting table, Nepal finally adopted a new constitution earlier in October 2015. In 2006, this small Himalayan country made a bold move by overthrowing its centuries old monarchy and adopting democratic governance. Ever since, a new constitutional document has been in the works. It was initially anticipated that this […]

Civil War in Yemen

Civil War in Yemen

Yemen is located on the Bab al-Mandab strait that connects the Gulf of Aden with the Red Sea. The location is of strategic importance since a large part of global shipping passes through this strait, which lies on the southern side of Yemen. On the north side, Yemen shares an extended border with Saudi Arabia […]

South China Sea Dispute

The South China Sea has two chains of islands, Paracels and Spratlys, which is claimed by several sovereign states of the region including the People’s Republic of China, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, and Taiwan. The dispute involves territorial and maritime claims and is behind growing tension in the region. South China Sea Dispute Summary […]