Thanksgiving is primarily about the great food on our tables and thanking Lord Almighty for the same. For almost everyone celebrating this wonderful festival it might seem to be rather familiar but it also needs to be understood that like every other festival in the world the traditions of this festival, which have been passed […]
Category: Cultures
Cultures Around the World is a collections of well researched articles in slides format related to tradition and culture.

Ten Most Relished Foods Around the World
“There is no love sincerer than the love of food” – George Bernard Shaw Most people in the world are apt to agree. While everyone craves rustic, home-cooked food, some dishes have transcended national and even regional boundaries to become global favorites. Countries and populations have adapted some of these dishes beyond recognition and yet […]

Nefertiti: An enigma waiting to be unraveled
Nefertiti is one of the greatest enigmas in history that archeologists and scientists from around the world have been trying to unravel. The ancient Egyptian queen, whose name implies “a beautiful woman has come” has puzzled archeologists who, for decades, have been trying to find out her final resting place and the causes of her […]

Dance Forms Around the World
“Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world.” – Voltaire Dance has been an ancient art form – one that mankind had taken to in an effort to physically express emotions, to celebrate and to showcase its rich culture. Different dance forms have developed in […]

Drinks To Try Around the World
Each place, each country, each region of the world is known for its distinct food habits. There are many different cuisines that you may want to sample from, but what about beverages and drinks? Here is our collection of 10 unique drinks from different parts of the world that you must try once. Some of […]

Is Sex Still A Taboo?
While the definition and understanding of what comprises sex is broadly accepted across cultures, the form of sex and sexual expression, and its participants is what makes it a taboo in some cultures and countries. What is perfectly acceptable form of sex in one country or region, may be taboo in another part. So who […]

Most Expensive Cheese around the World
The world loves cheese which comes in a variety of taste, texture, form and even color. While everyday cheese is not very expensive, the better varieties command premium prices. Cheese is made from concentrated milk of cow, buffalo, sheep, goat or donkey, but does not have a viscous or liquid state. The manner of processing […]

Famous Stories, Plays, Songs Based on Christmas
The Gift of the Magi – O. Henry The Gift of the Magi is probably the most famous of Christmas-themed stories. Written by O. Henry and first published in 1905, the story tells the tale of a young married couple selling their most precious possessions in an effort to gift the other a special Christmas […]

Christmas Myths and Legends
Twelve Days of Christmas This is one of the commonest Christmas songs sung across the world, right? The ‘12 days of Christmas’ refers to the celebration between December 25 (Christmas) and January 6 (Epiphany – when the three wise men are believed to have visited baby Jesus). But there seems to be more than meets […]

How to Say Hello around the World?
Greetings are the first thing that we exchange with people from other cultures such as ones who do not speak our language or ones who are from a different country or perhaps a different part of the same country itself. It is the pleasant demeanor and a smiling face that helps us strike a conversation […]