Is Belgium a Country?
Yes, Belgium is a country.
Belgium is a sovereign nation located in Western Europe. A constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system of government and is officially known as the Kingdom of Belgium. A small nation, Belgium covers an area of 11,787 square miles and has a population of 11,358,357 people, as of January 2018. Belgium shares its borders with France, Luxembourg, Germany, and the Netherlands. The predominant linguistic groups in Belgium are the Flemish people and the Walloons. The Flemish people speak Dutch and are native to Flanders, while the French-speaking Walloons live mainly in the southern part of Wallonia.
The history of the region now known as Belgium dates back to many millennia and it is one of the very few countries that has retained a monarchical form of government. Once a part of the Roman Empire, the region now known as Belgium was a part of many kingdoms and empires. It emerged as a leading center of commerce and culture between the Middle Ages and the 17th century. The region was also the center of various battles between the European powers of the era, thus, earning the sobriquet of the “Battlefield of Europe.” Following the Belgian Revolution in 1830, Belgian seceded from the Netherlands and became an independent nation. The Constitution of Belgium was proclaimed on February 7th, 1831, and Leopold I of Belgium became the king of the country on July 21st, 1831. In the First World War, Germany invaded Belgium, and in 1930 the country signed a military alliance with neighboring France, abandoning neutrality. In the Second World War, Belgium was again invaded by Germany, and in 1940, the king of the country, Leopold, surrendered to the German forces. In 1944, the country was liberated from the German rule by the Allied forces.
Belgium suffered heavy loss of life and property during WW I and WW II, but it recovered quickly and is today one of the most advanced and highly-developed economies of the world. It stands at the 20th place in terms of per capita GDP, which is pegged at $44,881, as per the 2016 estimate. Belgium is among the six nations that founded the European Union and Brussels, the capital of the country, is home to many prestigious organizations such as Council of the European Union, European Parliament, European Council, and the European Commission and also hosts the headquarters of the NATO.
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