What countries have won Nobel Prize in Chemistry?
Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2018 has been awarded to George P. Smith, Frances Arnold and Greg Winter, for they did an exceptional work regarding evolution of molecules. Their research incorporated the science of genetic change and selection, to create proteins that could potentially solve the chemical problems prevailing in mankind.
Being honored by a Nobel prize is a matter of pride. It is awarded on account of phenomenal contribution by an individual or organization in their respective fields. The first Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded in 1901 to Jacobus Henricus van ‘t Hoff. Nobel Prize is the most prestigious award that began with the will of Alfred Nobel and since then it is an esteemed possession for the recipients.
The candidates are recommended by The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and selected by The Nobel Committee for Chemistry. No person or organization can nominate themselves for the award. In addition to chemistry, Nobel prize is awarded in the fields of physics, medicine, economics, literature, and peace.
Chemistry is the field of science that is evolving and contributing to other fields like medicine, biology, and material science. The subject is of strategic importance when the long-term innovations and optimum utilization of resources are kept in mind. Chemistry has contributed significantly to the society. Be it the progress in terms of the chemical industry or the contribution to the medical industry. Owing to the significant place it holds in the society, the achievements of the field are considered to be honored.
Here is a list of all the Nobel Prize winners in chemistry from across the world.
Year | Laureates | Country |
2018 | Greg Winter | United Kingdom |
2018 | Frances Arnold | United States |
2018 | George P. Smith | United States |
2017 | Joachim Frank | United States |
2017 | Richard Henderson | United Kingdom |
2017 | Jacques Dubochet | Switzerland |
2016 | Fraser Stoddart | United States |
2016 | Jean-Pierre Sauvage | France |
2016 | Ben Feringa | Netherlands |
2015 | Paul L. Modrich | United States |
2015 | Aziz Sancar | United States |
2014 | Eric Betzig | United States |
2014 | William E. Moerner | United States |
2014 | Stefan W. Hell | Germany |
2013 | Martin Karplus | United States |
2013 | Arieh Warshel | United States |
2013 | Michael Levitt | United States |
2012 | Robert Lefkowitz | United States |
2012 | Brian Kobilka | United States |
2011 | Dan Shechtman | Israel |
2010 | Richard F. Heck | United States |
2010 | Ei-ichi Negishi | Japan |
2010 | Akira Suzuki | Japan |
2009 | Thomas A. Steitz | United States |
2009 | Venkatraman Ramakrishnan | United Kingdom |
2009 | Ada E. Yonath | Israel |
2008 | Martin Chalfie | United States |
2008 | Roger Y. Tsien | United States |
2008 | Osamu Shimomura | Japan |
2007 | Gerhard Ertl | Germany |
2006 | Roger D. Kornberg | United States |
2005 | Robert H. Grubbs | United States |
2005 | Richard R. Schrock | United States |
2005 | Yves Chauvin | France |
2004 | Irwin Rose | United States |
2004 | Aaron Ciechanover | Israel |
2004 | Avram Hershko | Israel |
2003 | Peter Agre | United States |
2003 | Roderick MacKinnon | United States |
2002 | John B. Fenn | United States |
2002 | Koichi Tanaka | Japan |
2002 | Kurt Wüthrich | Switzerland |
2001 | William S. Knowles | United States |
2001 | K. Barry Sharpless | United States |
2001 | Ryōji Noyori | Japan |
2000 | Alan J. Heeger | United States |
2000 | Alan G. MacDiarmid | United States |
2000 | Hideki Shirakawa | Japan |
1999 | Ahmed Zewail | United States |
1998 | Walter Kohn | United States |
1998 | John A. Pople | United Kingdom |
1997 | Paul D. Boyer | United States |
1997 | John E. Walker | United Kingdom |
1997 | Jens C. Skou | Denmark |
1996 | Robert F. Curl Jr. | United States |
1996 | Richard E. Smalley | United States |
1996 | Sir Harold W. Kroto | United Kingdom |
1995 | F. Sherwood Rowland | United States |
1995 | Paul J. Crutzen | Netherlands |
1995 | Mario J. Molina | Mexico |
1994 | George A. Olah | United States |
1993 | Kary B. Mullis | United States |
1993 | Michael Smith | Canada |
1992 | Rudolph A. Marcus | United States |
1991 | Richard R. Ernst | Switzerland |
1990 | Elias James Corey | United States |
1989 | Thomas Cech | United States |
1989 | Sidney Altman | United States |
1988 | Johann Deisenhofer | West Germany |
1988 | Robert Huber | West Germany |
1988 | Hartmut Michel | West Germany |
1987 | Donald J. Cram | United States |
1987 | Charles J. Pedersen | United States |
1987 | Jean-Marie Lehn | France |
1986 | Dudley R. Herschbach | United States |
1986 | Yuan T. Lee | United States |
1986 | John C. Polanyi | Canada |
1985 | Herbert A. Hauptman | United States |
1985 | Jerome Karle | United States |
1984 | Robert Bruce Merrifield | United States |
1983 | Henry Taube | United States |
1982 | Aaron Klug | United Kingdom |
1981 | Roald Hoffmann | United States |
1981 | Kenichi Fukui | Japan |
1980 | Paul Berg | United States |
1980 | Walter Gilbert | United States |
1980 | Frederick Sanger | United Kingdom |
1979 | Herbert C. Brown | United States |
1979 | Georg Wittig | West Germany |
1978 | Peter D. Mitchell | United Kingdom |
1977 | Ilya Prigogine | Belgium |
1976 | William N. Lipscomb | United States |
1975 | John Warcup Cornforth | United Kingdom |
1974 | Paul J. Flory | United States |
1973 | Ernst Otto Fischer | West Germany |
1973 | Geoffrey Wilkinson | United Kingdom |
1972 | Christian B. Anfinsen | United States |
1972 | Stanford Moore | United States |
1972 | William H. Stein | United States |
1971 | Gerhard Herzberg | Canada |
1970 | Luis F. Leloir | Argentina |
1969 | Derek H. R. Barton | United Kingdom |
1969 | Odd Hassel | Norway |
1968 | Lars Onsager | United States |
1967 | Manfred Eigen | West Germany |
1967 | Ronald George Wreyford Norrish | United Kingdom |
1967 | George Porter | United Kingdom |
1966 | Robert S. Mulliken | United States |
1965 | Robert Burns Woodward | United States |
1964 | Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin | United Kingdom |
1963 | Karl Ziegler | West Germany |
1963 | Giulio Natta | Italy |
1962 | Max Ferdinand Perutz | United Kingdom |
1962 | John Cowdery Kendrew | United Kingdom |
1961 | Melvin Calvin | United States |
1960 | Willard Frank Libby | United States |
1959 | Jaroslav Heyrovský | Czechoslovakia |
1958 | Frederick Sanger | United Kingdom |
1957 | Lord (Alexander R.) Todd | United Kingdom |
1956 | Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood | United Kingdom |
1956 | Nikolay Nikolaevich Semenov | Soviet Union |
1955 | Vincent du Vigneaud | United States |
1954 | Linus Pauling | United States |
1953 | Hermann Staudinger | West Germany |
1952 | Archer John Porter Martin | United Kingdom |
1952 | Richard Laurence Millington Synge | United Kingdom |
1951 | Edwin Mattison McMillan | United States |
1951 | Glenn Theodore Seaborg | United States |
1950 | Otto Paul Hermann Diels | West Germany |
1950 | Kurt Alder | West Germany |
1949 | William Francis Giauque | United States |
1948 | Arne Wilhelm Kaurin Tiselius | Sweden |
1947 | Sir Robert Robinson | United Kingdom |
1946 | James Batcheller Sumner | United States |
1946 | John Howard Northrop | United States |
1946 | Wendell Meredith Stanley | United States |
1945 | Artturi Ilmari Virtanen | Finland |
1944 | Otto Hahn | Germany |
1943 | George de Hevesy | Germany |
1939 | Adolf Friedrich Johann Butenandt | Germany |
1939 | Leopold Ruzicka | Switzerland |
1938 | Richard Kuhn | Germany |
1937 | Walter Norman Haworth | United Kingdom |
1937 | Paul Karrer | Switzerland |
1936 | Petrus (Peter) Josephus Wilhelmus Debye | Netherlands |
1935 | Frédéric Joliot | France |
1935 | Irène Joliot-Curie | France |
1934 | Harold Clayton Urey | United States |
1932 | Irving Langmuir | United States |
1931 | Carl Bosch | Germany |
1931 | Friedrich Bergius | Germany |
1930 | Hans Fischer | Germany |
1929 | Arthur Harden | United Kingdom |
1929 | Hans Karl August Simon von Euler-Chelpin | Sweden |
1928 | Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus | Germany |
1927 | Heinrich Otto Wieland | Germany |
1926 | The (Theodor) Svedberg | Sweden |
1925 | Richard Adolf Zsigmondy | Germany |
1923 | Fritz Pregl | Austria |
1922 | Francis William Aston | United Kingdom |
1921 | Frederick Soddy | United Kingdom |
1920 | Walther Hermann Nernst | Germany |
1918 | Fritz Haber | Germany |
1915 | Richard Martin Willstätter | Germany |
1914 | Theodore William Richards | United States |
1913 | Alfred Werner | Switzerland |
1912 | Victor Grignard | France |
1912 | Paul Sabatier | France |
1911 | Maria Skłodowska-Curie | France |
1910 | Otto Wallach | Germany |
1909 | Wilhelm Ostwald | Germany |
1908 | Ernest Rutherford | United Kingdom |
1907 | Eduard Buchner | Germany |
1906 | Henri Moissan | France |
1905 | Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von Baeyer | Germany |
1904 | Sir William Ramsay | United Kingdom |
1903 | Svante August Arrhenius | Sweden |
1902 | Hermann Emil Fischer | Germany |
1901 | Jacobus Henricus van ‘t Hoff | Netherlands |
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