What is the Population of Maryland
The Population of Maryland, as per July 1st, 2016 estimate, is 6,016,447 (Six million sixteen thousand four hundred forty-seven). The last official US Government census was done in 2010, and the population as per that census was 5,773,552 (Five million seven hundred seventy-three thousand five hundred fifty-two). Maryland has 23 Counties and one independent city, the Baltimore city, which even though is a city but has same powers as a county. Here is a compilation of county-wise population data for the state in tabular format:
Maryland Population by County | ||
County Name | April 1, 2010 – Census | Population Estimate (as of July 1, 2016) |
Montgomery County | 971,777 | 1,043,863 |
Prince George’s County | 863,420 | 908,049 |
Baltimore County | 805,029 | 831,026 |
Baltimore city | 620,961 | 614,664 |
Anne Arundel County | 537,656 | 568,346 |
Howard County | 287,085 | 317,233 |
Harford County | 244,826 | 251,032 |
Frederick County | 233,385 | 247,591 |
Carroll County | 167,134 | 167,656 |
Charles County | 146,551 | 157,705 |
Washington County | 147,430 | 150,292 |
St. Mary’s County | 105,151 | 112,587 |
Cecil County | 101,108 | 102,603 |
Wicomico County | 98,733 | 102,577 |
Calvert County | 88,737 | 91,251 |
Allegany County | 75,087 | 72,130 |
Worcester County | 51,454 | 51,444 |
Queen Anne’s County | 47,798 | 48,929 |
Talbot County | 37,782 | 37,278 |
Caroline County | 33,066 | 32,850 |
Dorchester County | 32,618 | 32,258 |
Garrett County | 30,097 | 29,425 |
Somerset County | 26,470 | 25,928 |
Kent County | 20,197 | 19,730 |
Total Population of Maryland | 5,773,552 | 6,016,447 |
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