What is the Population of Alaska
The Population of Alaska, which has 29 Boroughs, as per July 1st, 2016 estimate, is 741,894 (Seven hundred forty-one thousand eight hundred ninety-four). The last official US Government census was done in 2010, and the population as per that census was 710,231 (Seven hundred ten thousand two hundred thirty-one). Here is a compilation of borough-wise population data for the state in tabular format:
Alaska Population by Borough | ||
Borough Name | April 1, 2010 – Census | Population Estimate (as of July 1, 2016) |
Anchorage Municipality | 291,826 | 298,192 |
Matanuska-Susitna Borough | 88,995 | 104,365 |
Fairbanks North Star Borough | 97,581 | 100,605 |
Kenai Peninsula Borough | 55,400 | 58,506 |
Juneau City and Borough | 31,275 | 32,468 |
Bethel Census Area | 17,013 | 17,968 |
Ketchikan Gateway Borough | 13,477 | 13,746 |
Kodiak Island Borough | 13,592 | 13,732 |
Nome Census Area | 9,492 | 9,917 |
North Slope Borough | 9,430 | 9,606 |
Valdez-Cordova Census Area | 9,636 | 9,355 |
Sitka City and Borough | 8,881 | 8,830 |
Kusilvak Census Area | 7,459 | 8,049 |
Northwest Arctic Borough | 7,523 | 7,673 |
Southeast Fairbanks Census Area | 7,029 | 6,876 |
Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area | 5,559 | 6,347 |
Aleutians West Census Area | 5,561 | 5,647 |
Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area | 5,588 | 5,526 |
Dillingham Census Area | 4,847 | 4,954 |
Aleutians East Borough | 3,141 | 3,296 |
Petersburg Borough | 3,815 | 3,149 |
Haines Borough | 2,508 | 2,496 |
Wrangell City and Borough | 2,369 | 2,411 |
Hoonah-Angoon Census Area | 2,150 | 2,078 |
Denali Borough | 1,826 | 1,953 |
Lake and Peninsula Borough | 1,631 | 1,562 |
Skagway Municipality | 968 | 1,088 |
Bristol Bay Borough | 997 | 898 |
Yakutat City and Borough | 662 | 601 |
Total Population of Alaska | 710,231 | 741,894 |
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