What is Arkansas known for?
Arkansas became the 25th state to join the Union on June 15th, 1836. The state withdrew in 1861, to join the Confederacy, but returned in 1868 after the Civil War. The official nickname of Arkansas is the ‘Natural State,’ and it makes amply clear that the state is well known for its natural beauty. Most of the state is made up of forest land. The Ouachita National Forest covers over 1.8 million acres of land. You can check this Arkansas National Park Map to know about all the national forests and parks of Arkansas. The average annual precipitation in the state is rather high (49.57 inches). Arkansas is also the largest rice producer in the US, growing approximately 50 % of the country’s rice production.
The Crater of Diamonds State Park in Pike County is the only active diamond mine in the US. The state is also known for the various natural and cultural landmarks: The Blanchard Springs Caverns, the Mammoth Spring State Park, Arkansas Air and Military Museum, and the Arkansas Inland Maritime Museum.
Bill Clinton and Wal-Mart are; however, two reasons Arkansas is well known. Former President of the US, William Jefferson Clinton, was born and raised here, and he also served two terms as the state’s Governor before going on to become the President of the United States.
Wal-Mart, a top ranked company on the Fortune 500 list, was set up by Sam Walton in 1962 in Bentonville, Arkansas (incorporated in 1969). The Wal-Mart Muѕеum (Bentonville) showcases the phenomenal growth of the company.
Renowned singer Johnny Cash was also born in the state of Arkansas.
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